I am deeply touched at the outpouring of concern and
interest in the last blog about my illness and my fight to resolve it. I want
to update you all on what happened, and how I was brought back to good health.
It was a scary experience for me, and one that I will not forget. As you may
have read in this post here , I quite suddenly became dangerously ill, and it was discovered that
I had a large abscess in my spleen. At that point, I was given the choice of
surgical intervention to aspirate the bacteria causing it, or to go on
heavy antibiotics. Ozone Therapy was not an option as sepsis was already
occurring and we had to move fast. While ozone therapy is the best form of therapy,
as far as I am concerned, it would have been too slow, in this particular
situation. Time was running out and my blood tests indicated a grave issue.
I was put on four grams of broad spectrum antibiotics, which
is quite heavy when you consider a normal dose is 250-500 milligrams for
infections. To say that I felt sick from all the antibiotics would be an
understatement. I lost considerable weight and could not function or move
without gasping for breath; this went on for about a month until my next ultrasound.
When the test came in that my spleen had shrunk, we immediately started using RHP Ozone Therapy and Major Autohemotherapy.
Most of you know what RHP is, but for those who do not, it
is well explained on www.medicalozone.info.
Major Autohemotherapy is a process where you extract about 200-250 mls. of blood
into a bag and add medical ozone to it at a normal concentration. You then mix the two
and return the blood to the patient. With me, however, we did it differently.
We did take out about 200mls. of blood, but we mixed it with 250mls. of medical ozone
at a concentration of 100 mg/l (which is pretty high), and we did it three
times a day for two weeks. This would mean that I was absorbing 750mls of ozone
at a concentration of 100 mg/l a day.
Even with such high doses, the change did not occur
instantly, which is the point I want to make in this post. It took awhile for
us to see the results of our efforts, but, certainly and surely, in two
weeks we saw the difference, both in me and my blood profile. Everything was
coming back to normal, I looked like myself again, I felt wonderful, and my
health was restored,. Of course this was by no means a scientific test, and it
was not meant to be one, but I think it is important to report the facts of my
recovery as I witnessed it.
One must be clear and understand the process involved with
ozone therapy. Ozone is a gas that is absorbed by the haem of the blood (or red
blood cell). It then creates a number of subspecies and chemical reactions in the body. More on this at www.ozoneuniversity.com for those of you that are interested in reading about it. These reactions,
although intense, need time to change the parameters of the blood, lymph fluids, and tissues, etc, which isn't
always obvious immediately.
At times, people have argued with me about this; swearing that
they have felt something. Ozone does enhance serotonin levels in the brain giving a feeling of euphoria, it
eats fat and sugar, and also opens up blood vessels. As a result,
the average person will feel some positive things in their body, however, these
are transient. Actually changing the disease state takes time to occur. If you
are not willing to be patient and allow ozone therapy to do its job do not choose it as
a therapy. The time it takes is different for all of us and depends on the
person, the disease and the progression of the disease; please be clear on
this. I can guarantee you, however, that if you give it time, and have a
well-trained Ozone Therapist doing the job, you will be more than satisfied at
the outcome.
I want to make the point again that Alternative Therapies and
Ozone Therapy do not need to be the only choices in your health regimen. Integrating the
two, so that they work together (as we did with my illness and recovery),
should be considered.
Your goal is
recovery, right? I encourage you to be wise and consider all your options, and
use all the tools available to you to help yourself stay alive. Certainly if I,
Professor Ozone, chose to forgo ozone therapy as a the sole solution for my
emergency health challenge, you can also consider all your options for healing,
and do what is right, for you, to get yourself back to good health.
I know that I am repeating myself, but I really want to get the point across that in some cases it can be dangerous, or life threatening, to not make use of allopathic options. There are many ways to conquer disease, and many modalities that can and should be used to do this. Please for the love of all of us listen to what I am saying and do what is necessary to cure yourself of the diseases inside you. Do not listen to either camp when they bash the other, find the guy that talks about both and is willing to use all known therapies to help you regain your health.
If you have any questions or comments, please speak up
regarding this very important topic.
The next blog post will be back to normal. Be watching for
it, as I have some interesting developments to talk about. Till then...
Thanks Peter,
I agree with you there ,100%. The best course of action is to weigh carefully what is the best therapy option, and not treat medical decision like it were a religion. Forget about preconceived ideas.
Philippine institute of advanced cancer therapies inc.
Yes, like Anonymous ^ said do not treat medical decision like it were a religion.
Awesome article ! It's a pleasure to read your blog.
good job bro, i just bookmarked your blog
your posts are nice , i just wanted to say i will add your blog in some web directories for free , i liked the content and this article really helped me alot
Thanks for all your articles about Ozone Therapy. I enjoyed reading them.
Wow, thank you for this amazing post. How much time have you spent researching, this was eye opening.
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