In an attempt to dispel rumors and misinformation on advanced ozone therapy use this blog will try to answer questions that I have been asked over the years. There is so much information on the internet and sometimes it can be quite confusing for most people. What one must understand is, just as in anything, do not believe what you read until you can verify it. We must all remember, our society is based on money not good intentions. As much as we should all object to this mode of living, it is what it is...
If any of you think of anything that you want an answer to and I have not covered it, please feel free to ask by commenting below, in fact, if you disagree comment as well. For us to be a society that truly believes in having the freedom of choice, it is essential that we have all the facts, good and bad, enabling us to make the right choice for us individually.
1. Does ozone therapy cure as many diseases as they claim it to?
This is a very difficult question to answer. In my vast experience, I can say that not one individual in the many thousands that we have treated that has not had some form of benefit from Ozone therapy when it is done correctly by a well trained ozone therapist. By well trained, I mean one that not only knows ozone therapy but, is also familiar with all aspects of the body and can read into the testing of the bodies parameters when analyzed by a lab. This must include observation of the patient as well. These points are critical and must be observed in successful ozone therapy treatments. At times, diseases can be reversed, at times it can be regulated and at other times it can be helped, This therapy is not a panacea or a magic formula, it is true science and should be understood as such and nothing else.
2. What are the differences between normal ozone therapy and advanced RHP ozone therapy?
Anyone who has studied ozone therapy and it's many applications has read that our form of ozone therapy is known as the best, there is no arguing this fact. The problem that most face is why is it the best? Well to explain this in simple terms, I must first say that really there is no comparison as it is a completely different process. You see, in conventional ozone therapies such as direct injection, saline infusion, insufflation, major and minor autohaemotherapy and any others. The body is filled with ozone in many ways and forced to absorb the ozone into the blood, this process creates chemical reactions inside the body and creates waste products that need to be excreted by our many filters, kidneys, liver, etc...To add, these processes do not enable us to infuse more than a small amount of ozone at a time. This due to the conversion of ozone to usable components and as well the excretion of waste coupled with the ability of the body and it's components to tolerate ozone's powerful effects.
In our method, we circulate all of the blood and at the same time ozonate and filter it. The body in this case is not forced to both withstand the reactions created not filter the waste, it is all done outside and what goes back is fresh, ozonated, filtered blood, nothing else. There is another point, valid or not, it is but a theory that I am working on. When ozonating, the ratio is typically 3-5% ozone and the rest is oxygen, I am still not certain whether the 93-97% oxygen put into the body is beneficial. Of course in our method, this does not occur as all extra oxygen is released. Due to this method we are able to safely infuse a higher concentration than typically recognized as safe and much more ozone into the system safely and effectively. All in all, a much more effective means of ozone therapy than all the rest.
3. I have a friend who told me that there are others using RHP ozone therapy.
Yes, as with anything else we do have copycats trying to create RHP in their own way and attempting to do it without the proper training. I want to make myself perfectly clear here. This is medical science and not something that can be understood by a lay person or attempted by someone untrained in it's use. It should be avoided if the ozone therapist or clinic/hospital is not certified or substantially trained in it's use and I do not mean a during a weekend seminar. Our training involves a multitude of courses over a long period of time. This method of healing is very intricate and as such needs to be taught by those that are trainers and educators in this field. A good part of knowing what to do with ozone is based on experience and observation and for that experience is the best teacher. Be wary of those that have just started or that have tried to copy our method. You may wind up worse than when you started and in critically ill patients, this could be disastrous. Should you encounter any of these instances, please feel free to contact me for an opinion or a review of either the person claiming to do this therapy or the establishment that you are in contact with.
4. How safe is this therapy?
Safety of ozone therapy has been tossed around the internet for quite a while and I read many of the citations that exist. The use of ozone therapy has been around for at least a century, unfortunately however, there have been no safeguards to assure accuracy and benefit. In any therapy there are risks, even with a skilled ozone therapist. I can say however that this is the safest form of medicine that exists in the world today. Having said that though, it does not mean that it is completely safe and one should exercise caution by reading and understanding what I have stated above and in my many blogs.
5. Is this Alternative Therapy?
Although we, as ozone therapist have jumped foolishly on to the alternative Medicine heading, this is not what ozone therapy is. Ozone therapy and especially advanced RHP therapy is in fact, a true medical modality and should be recognized as such. We hope to have that happen in the near future, it is our course and our aim.
6. Why is it so expensive?
Traditionally all forms of medicine are funded and researched by the pharmaceutical giants, government grants and such, they are as well covered by insurance. The only people that truly understand the low cost and value of ozone therapy are the ones without insurance as they are the ones that have to pay full price for their treatment. In the world, I can state that above any other true medical treatment, ozone therapy is by far safer, more effective and less expensive than any other. If one was to take a close look at all these parameters, there is no doubt in my mind that they would come to the same conclusion.
7. Why is it not accepted and available?
The world of medicine is dependent on, as with everything else, financial gain. There is no financial gain with ozone, it can't be patented and t is a cure unlike the medicine of today that merely puts off disease or creates other issues. As well, should the world embrace ozone therapy, most researchers, societies and grants would disappear and there would be less dependence on surgery and most drugs would be of no use. This would create financial kayos in our money dependent world. All these institutions I have mentioned also pay taxes, fueling the government coffers and no government at any point in time can afford to lose the fuel created by them. Simply put, the financial system in itself would suffer immensely should ozone therapy be common. Remember it is not about lives it is about money and the creation of it that fuels our economy, it's that simple.
I hope that I have answered some of the questions that need an answer, please feel free to ask any others that you may have so that we can establish a true and safe understanding of what is Medical Ozone Therapy.
If any of you think of anything that you want an answer to and I have not covered it, please feel free to ask by commenting below, in fact, if you disagree comment as well. For us to be a society that truly believes in having the freedom of choice, it is essential that we have all the facts, good and bad, enabling us to make the right choice for us individually.
1. Does ozone therapy cure as many diseases as they claim it to?
2. What are the differences between normal ozone therapy and advanced RHP ozone therapy?
Anyone who has studied ozone therapy and it's many applications has read that our form of ozone therapy is known as the best, there is no arguing this fact. The problem that most face is why is it the best? Well to explain this in simple terms, I must first say that really there is no comparison as it is a completely different process. You see, in conventional ozone therapies such as direct injection, saline infusion, insufflation, major and minor autohaemotherapy and any others. The body is filled with ozone in many ways and forced to absorb the ozone into the blood, this process creates chemical reactions inside the body and creates waste products that need to be excreted by our many filters, kidneys, liver, etc...To add, these processes do not enable us to infuse more than a small amount of ozone at a time. This due to the conversion of ozone to usable components and as well the excretion of waste coupled with the ability of the body and it's components to tolerate ozone's powerful effects.
In our method, we circulate all of the blood and at the same time ozonate and filter it. The body in this case is not forced to both withstand the reactions created not filter the waste, it is all done outside and what goes back is fresh, ozonated, filtered blood, nothing else. There is another point, valid or not, it is but a theory that I am working on. When ozonating, the ratio is typically 3-5% ozone and the rest is oxygen, I am still not certain whether the 93-97% oxygen put into the body is beneficial. Of course in our method, this does not occur as all extra oxygen is released. Due to this method we are able to safely infuse a higher concentration than typically recognized as safe and much more ozone into the system safely and effectively. All in all, a much more effective means of ozone therapy than all the rest.
Clean Blood Versus Dirty Blood |
3. I have a friend who told me that there are others using RHP ozone therapy.
Yes, as with anything else we do have copycats trying to create RHP in their own way and attempting to do it without the proper training. I want to make myself perfectly clear here. This is medical science and not something that can be understood by a lay person or attempted by someone untrained in it's use. It should be avoided if the ozone therapist or clinic/hospital is not certified or substantially trained in it's use and I do not mean a during a weekend seminar. Our training involves a multitude of courses over a long period of time. This method of healing is very intricate and as such needs to be taught by those that are trainers and educators in this field. A good part of knowing what to do with ozone is based on experience and observation and for that experience is the best teacher. Be wary of those that have just started or that have tried to copy our method. You may wind up worse than when you started and in critically ill patients, this could be disastrous. Should you encounter any of these instances, please feel free to contact me for an opinion or a review of either the person claiming to do this therapy or the establishment that you are in contact with.
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True RHP Ozone Unit |
4. How safe is this therapy?
Safety of ozone therapy has been tossed around the internet for quite a while and I read many of the citations that exist. The use of ozone therapy has been around for at least a century, unfortunately however, there have been no safeguards to assure accuracy and benefit. In any therapy there are risks, even with a skilled ozone therapist. I can say however that this is the safest form of medicine that exists in the world today. Having said that though, it does not mean that it is completely safe and one should exercise caution by reading and understanding what I have stated above and in my many blogs.
5. Is this Alternative Therapy?
Although we, as ozone therapist have jumped foolishly on to the alternative Medicine heading, this is not what ozone therapy is. Ozone therapy and especially advanced RHP therapy is in fact, a true medical modality and should be recognized as such. We hope to have that happen in the near future, it is our course and our aim.
6. Why is it so expensive?
7. Why is it not accepted and available?
The world of medicine is dependent on, as with everything else, financial gain. There is no financial gain with ozone, it can't be patented and t is a cure unlike the medicine of today that merely puts off disease or creates other issues. As well, should the world embrace ozone therapy, most researchers, societies and grants would disappear and there would be less dependence on surgery and most drugs would be of no use. This would create financial kayos in our money dependent world. All these institutions I have mentioned also pay taxes, fueling the government coffers and no government at any point in time can afford to lose the fuel created by them. Simply put, the financial system in itself would suffer immensely should ozone therapy be common. Remember it is not about lives it is about money and the creation of it that fuels our economy, it's that simple.
Just in the US |