Showing posts with label Modern Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modern Medicine. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2015

Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part Three

Continued from Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part Two

For those that are following this, I truly apologise for the length of it all but I do believe that what I have to say, conclude and inform will help a lot of you that suffer daily. It may also help those in the future. It does relate to ozone therapy and medical ozone in a later post but as well it as well relates to Alternative or Complementary Medicine and Modern Medicine. Health is something we all have issues with at one time or another and we are constantly bombarded with claims and choices. To add to all this confusion are the irresponsible actions from those that are only there to create chaos and insecurity. These are the shrills that either misinterpret science or create issues that do not exist for financial or ego driven gain. So, the more reality based and realistic testimonies there are, the better for all. Please feel free to share all this to your friends and loved ones. As well, please comment and debate, it is the way we all learn...

Off to the IVC operation we go, this was an operation that occurs while you are fully awake. I was given a local anesthetic and I really can't explain the feeling that you get when someone is cutting into your neck and shoving a tube inside it, it is, to say the least, bizarre. They showed me the filter, it was a strange looking thing, reminded me of a fishing lure. I was able to watch what they were doing because there were screens around to guide them and they turned one in my direction so that I could see. There was really no feeling and it was just a matter of shoving this fishing lure deep enough so that it would catch all possible clots so they would not go to my heart or brain. This surgery was done rather quickly and painlessly, not even a scar was visible, no wonder this guy was the best.

It was a couple of days until the major surgery so I had time to put my will together as well try to organize what needed to be done just in case I was not coming back after surgery. Those of you that have been through this and have young kids and a wife can relate to what needs to be done before you let's just say, expire. It is a herculean undertaking and I do not wish anyone to go through it especially when it is completely unexpected, which in my case, it was. It took a couple of days for my INR to be acceptable enough for surgery but my platelets were not doing so well. we had to take some time and let my body absorb a couple of bags of platelets before the operation.

Finally, it was time. I said goodbye to  the kids, my son shell shocked and my daughter crying, wife by my side we went off to the operating theater. Once outside the doors, I told my wife my good byes and asked the nurse to ensure that she tells my wife when I am out of surgery, my wife sat down outside of those doors and only she would know what was going on through her head at that time, to top it all off, that day was her birthday, what a present this was for her, I can only imagine how brave she would have to be to endure this. We always consider our own horror and pain but we truly need to understand what happens to those around us that love us, the innocents in all this. In my eyes they are the true heroes and strength is tested to its limits by what occurs when their lives are interrupted by the issues of a loved one. They wheeled me in and placed me in a corner, a man came by with sheets of paper to sign absolving the hospital and anyone remotely connected to anyone there of any liability should I not survive. Not really reassuring. He then asked if I had questions, yeah, lots but I knew there were no answers. They stuck a needle in me and the guy holding it said, count to 100 backwards, 99...98........

There was nothing I remember about the surgery and the first semblance of reality was when my eyes opened a bit and I saw the surgeon in his gear looking at me and saying, "he's back and looks ok", as I faded again into an unconscious state. As I woke up I saw two figures in operating room garb, one was my wife but I could not recognize the other for a minute and then I realized it was my partner’s son. They had wide smiles on their faces, they were extremely excited I was back from the dead, while I, was rather confused. Trying to talk was a huge issue and to me I sounded fine but later found out that I sounded like a guy that had been on a week-long drinking bender. After my relieved wife saw that I was somewhat ok, I was put in recovery where I had to spend the night, only one there in this big room with what looked like nurses, I couldn't really tell as they were quite young but I had to stay there, it was night so there was only two of them, a couple of feet beside me. At one point, can't remember why I needed them. They were asleep so I had to bang on my bed to get their attention. This, I found troubling, I wondered if it occurred all the time, what if there was a real issue, good God... I tried to sleep and in the morning the day shift came, still woozy, the bevy of nurses had other plans for me. They were busy texting, cruising the internet and gabbing and giggling as if I did not exist, sigh...What an experience, you want to say something, anger is evident but you feel like a train wreck and so many emotions, glad to be alive and such that what you would normally do, you do not do, confusion is evident.

It was time now to go back to my room and find out the details of the operation and what happened while I was, ummm, comatose. They wheeled me back tubes, IV stands and all. As we entered the room I saw my kids’ faces light up, their joy was evident. They rushed towards me and hugged and kissed me in their glee with my wife standing watching with a big smile on her face. Well, seems I made it, this far at least. I did however notice that there was something different, I had a tube sticking out of my nose, another out of my belly and yet another out of my penis along with IV lines. I kind of noticed it before but when coming out of this, I think you slowly start to rationalize things, it is not all there in the beginning, slowly reality comes, I can only imagine what the ramifications to some are because of this. In my life i would have never imagined myself in this situation, just stuff you see in the movies but you never think that it could be you and then one day, the haze goes away and there you are. As I started to rationalize...the pain came, it was intense but not when I realized I had three holes in my abdomen, yikes!

The time went by and I was in and out for a while. Finally, the surgeon came to tell me all about what had occurred, to fill the gaps. He took out his phone and he had graphic pictures to show me what was done. To most it would be something they really do not want to see, I am exposed to this daily so to me it was quite interesting. He started to explain, he had thought that it was an operation for a stricture and easily done in one hour. However once he went into my abdomen, he found that not only were all my intestines stuck to the wall of my abdomen but, as well, they were twisted like a cord from the old spiral telephone handsets we all used to have. What he had to do was cut the intestines away from the wall and then untwist them all. All this with a camera, he really did not have a desire to cut me open and for that I was ever grateful...I knew that it would take much longer to recover from a slice in the abdomen. In any case he said it took four hours instead of one hour because he had to be careful not to cut into my intestines. The only thought that went through my head was my wife and kids, here I go on for an hour operation and four hours later they were still waiting, my God, I would have been beside myself if I were them with no word from anyone, must have been incredibly traumatic.

I spent another four days in the hospital recovering, I could not get up or move much for at least a day. Every time I tried, the pain was unbearable even though the surgeon would yell at me to move around, you must, he would say, easy for him to say...I would get up, walk about 100 feet and barely make it back but with every couple of hours I walked further, the pain, the lethargy was incredible. So now it was time to take the tubes out, more fun, I thought. The one in my nose was not that bad but the feeling was weird sort of like the feeling when you drink and eat too much and need to expel it all, but boy, it felt so good when out. The one in my abdomen was the weirdest, you see, what I did not know is that it was a drainage tube and was all the way on the other side of my abdomen, so when it was pulled out it felt like there was something in my abdomen scurrying to the other side. The feeling is hard to explain but not something I want to feel again, very weird. The tube that was in my penis put all others to shame though, that is where I will leave that, men can imagine but I think, really would not want to. After all that, hourly my faithful son would take me for a walk and watch that I do not fall and then carefully escort me back to my room, under excruciating pain, you continue, step by step, never thinking with so much suffering it will get better, but it does, that is the beauty of our bodies, they are remarkable in their ability to heal even under the most extreme of circumstances.

It was now time to go home and my last meeting, for now, with the surgeon. We sat down and I asked him, so tell me, "what I have to look forward to?". Well, he said, "your insides are ok but all the veins that were blocked are still blocked. You have ascites in you abdomen because your portal vein has shut down but there are some varices that have grown to take its place so there is blood going to your organs, unfortunately the liver can't take the load so there will always be fluid in your abdomen." "Great, so I will always be nine months pregnant?""Yes, he said and as well you will have to have the fluid removed on occasion." When? I asked, he shook his head and said, "when needed." He continues, "you will also have a possibility of infection due to the fluid." "What then?" I asked, "then we have to do something about it.", was his reply. Anything else I said, yes he said, "you can't have more than a litre and a half of fluid every twenty four hours." WHAT! Good grief, I normally have at least four liters and am still thirsty. To top it all off he said that I have to stay away from any strenuous exercise, can't lift anything more than a mouthful of food and not eat greens because I have to be on a high dose of warfarin. I asked what will be the outcome, well he said, you will live for a while. Great, how long? Don't know he said...Ok, is there a chance of recovery? His voice changed as if he was going to lie and said, maybe but I doubt it, but always stay positive he said. I said, why am I taking warfarin, he said warfarin will not get rid of your existing clots, nothing can do that but it will keep you from developing new ones. I want those of you reading this to remember this line in particular and what this highly skilled professional teacher of surgery said to me. It will make sense to you why I say this, when we conclude this story...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Natural, Organic, What Does That Mean?

You have heard these words over and over but do you really consider what they mean. What is the reason that you buy these products, is it because you believe that they are better than standard food, well, you are right in that assumption. What I want to tell you is that they are only slightly better and to those that are sick, that's not good enough. For the majority of us it is just a cash cow for those that sell it. Here's why...

The term Natural is a misnomer as all food is naturally natural except GMO of course which no one but those that created that Frankenstein would know what it really is. You see, there are four ingredients in the creation of vegetables, grains and such, sun, air, water and dirt. Natural and organic can only take care of one and a half of that and that would be the dirt and half the water. The rest is rain that carries pollutants, the sun which shines through smog and pollution and of course the air that carries God only knows what. So, you see not really organic or natural is it?

If you keep your system healthy and I am not talking about going overboard with vitamins and all sorts of pills and potions that the Natural Store or the guy that is on websites tells you to ingest because it is lacking in your diet. I am talking about a clean life with little abuse and very little junk you can life and sustain health for a long time. This is because your body has the necessary tools to keep all this at bay. So think about this the next time you go to your local Organic market and see the price shock, is it really worth it or is there a better way?

Brings me to the next topic. We are the most naive people in the world, why, because we believe whatever the market dictates. Example, remember when Okinawa live coral was all the rage and we were buying it because it was pure and real available calcium, so if you wanted to get calcium in your system you had to of course buy it because it came from a live source! Where is that stuff and does anyone buy it anymore. This stuff goes for a while and disappears just like the last Multi-level company you were involved in.

Do you not understand that the acids in your gut can burn metal, well not really, but you know what I mean. What ever you ingest has a long hard road and if it survives and is broken down far enough it may give you some benefit. The second part of this is that companies are controlled in the amount of whatever life saving force they can manufacture and sell so the amounts are hardly enough to make a difference. Please remember this the next time some schlock tells you to buy this or that for $50 a bottle that will only last a month, you would have to buy three times as much to get any benefit if at all. The only way this stuff will work is if you do an IV with it and that's if it is really pure, direct is the only way but of course they won't allow that because you may hurt yourself with needles, guns they will give you but no needles!

My deep sadness comes in the fact that my chosen profession, that of Alternative or Complementary Medicine has become just as bad as the people they are fighting against, every day there is a new ray, beam, pulsar, way to analyze, spirit, brain, body, theta, feeling, aura, God help us all. Where is the science, what happened to hard fact, have we become just a bunch that will believe anything, not that I blame you, Modern Medicine sure is doing a crappy job at times, doctors are arrogant, uncaring and shoo you out the door before you get a chance to speak but really where is the science that started in the early days, why do we not listen to it and follow it?

If you ask me it's time to get educated about all this, not demand to get educated but pick up a book, read, ask questions, I am ready to answer, if I don't know I will ask and get back to you because I want to know, I want to be able to be the master of my health, I am responsible, it is my body, it is my life! What, no time, but it is all in what's important, so if watching the tube is more important or Facebook or bars or other stuff, that's OK but do not bother complaining about it then, think the most important to you, your loved ones and your friends, your true friend is your health. So get on it, go find out what makes your particular carbon based water cooled engine run, you will be glad you did, I promise!

"You cannot step into a health food store these days without encountering stacks of hyped-up literature and a blizzard of colorful product labels that often make startling claims-many of them thoroughly unsubstantiated-about the health-enhancing properties of various pills and potions."
Dr. Louis J. Ignarro
Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1998