Showing posts with label Natural and organic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural and organic. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2011

Natural, Organic, What Does That Mean?

You have heard these words over and over but do you really consider what they mean. What is the reason that you buy these products, is it because you believe that they are better than standard food, well, you are right in that assumption. What I want to tell you is that they are only slightly better and to those that are sick, that's not good enough. For the majority of us it is just a cash cow for those that sell it. Here's why...

The term Natural is a misnomer as all food is naturally natural except GMO of course which no one but those that created that Frankenstein would know what it really is. You see, there are four ingredients in the creation of vegetables, grains and such, sun, air, water and dirt. Natural and organic can only take care of one and a half of that and that would be the dirt and half the water. The rest is rain that carries pollutants, the sun which shines through smog and pollution and of course the air that carries God only knows what. So, you see not really organic or natural is it?

If you keep your system healthy and I am not talking about going overboard with vitamins and all sorts of pills and potions that the Natural Store or the guy that is on websites tells you to ingest because it is lacking in your diet. I am talking about a clean life with little abuse and very little junk you can life and sustain health for a long time. This is because your body has the necessary tools to keep all this at bay. So think about this the next time you go to your local Organic market and see the price shock, is it really worth it or is there a better way?

Brings me to the next topic. We are the most naive people in the world, why, because we believe whatever the market dictates. Example, remember when Okinawa live coral was all the rage and we were buying it because it was pure and real available calcium, so if you wanted to get calcium in your system you had to of course buy it because it came from a live source! Where is that stuff and does anyone buy it anymore. This stuff goes for a while and disappears just like the last Multi-level company you were involved in.

Do you not understand that the acids in your gut can burn metal, well not really, but you know what I mean. What ever you ingest has a long hard road and if it survives and is broken down far enough it may give you some benefit. The second part of this is that companies are controlled in the amount of whatever life saving force they can manufacture and sell so the amounts are hardly enough to make a difference. Please remember this the next time some schlock tells you to buy this or that for $50 a bottle that will only last a month, you would have to buy three times as much to get any benefit if at all. The only way this stuff will work is if you do an IV with it and that's if it is really pure, direct is the only way but of course they won't allow that because you may hurt yourself with needles, guns they will give you but no needles!

My deep sadness comes in the fact that my chosen profession, that of Alternative or Complementary Medicine has become just as bad as the people they are fighting against, every day there is a new ray, beam, pulsar, way to analyze, spirit, brain, body, theta, feeling, aura, God help us all. Where is the science, what happened to hard fact, have we become just a bunch that will believe anything, not that I blame you, Modern Medicine sure is doing a crappy job at times, doctors are arrogant, uncaring and shoo you out the door before you get a chance to speak but really where is the science that started in the early days, why do we not listen to it and follow it?

If you ask me it's time to get educated about all this, not demand to get educated but pick up a book, read, ask questions, I am ready to answer, if I don't know I will ask and get back to you because I want to know, I want to be able to be the master of my health, I am responsible, it is my body, it is my life! What, no time, but it is all in what's important, so if watching the tube is more important or Facebook or bars or other stuff, that's OK but do not bother complaining about it then, think the most important to you, your loved ones and your friends, your true friend is your health. So get on it, go find out what makes your particular carbon based water cooled engine run, you will be glad you did, I promise!

"You cannot step into a health food store these days without encountering stacks of hyped-up literature and a blizzard of colorful product labels that often make startling claims-many of them thoroughly unsubstantiated-about the health-enhancing properties of various pills and potions."
Dr. Louis J. Ignarro
Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1998