Showing posts with label Medical ozone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical ozone. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ozone Therapy and Common Sense Part 2 - Internet Myths

Before I start on this post, I just want to make it clear that I do not post anything to change anyone's mind or try to persuade them to use any therapy that they have researched and found to be suitable for their issues. It is your body and your right to do with it what you will contrary to what anyone says to you, professional, academic, governmental or what have you. I am merely trying to bring in information that you may have overlooked in your research and as well trying to demystify what is on the internet. The email that I receive is mostly due to people cruising the internet. These people, for the most part are confused and rightly so, there is an abundance of contradictory information, so much so that I even find myself confused at times.
With the advancement of technology everyone and their mother can now create a site and look like they are the latest health guru, all you really need is a staff of internet gurus and you can rest assured that you will accumulate a large following. Oh yes, one more thing, the more conspiracy that you post, the better, it seems.Well, I am truly tired of all the misinformation, so let's begin to clear it up a bit.

It is also not my intent to bad mouth anyone but I do want to try and bring us all back to reality and not in the surreal world that we seem to have wandered into. Facts and truths are what we all seek, aren't they? More often than not, I see articles published that are misleading and exaggerated so much that they do not have anything whatsoever to do with fact and truth. I could put quite a few up to prove this to you but it would take quite a few posts. I may do that but right now, i will start with one related to medical ozone.

This is something that I received on email from a very intelligent source and was posted on a forum I had thought was credible.

Though there is nothing wrong with this picture as it claims what it states. Ozone will eradicate all these microorganisms. However, what it fails to state is that this analysis was done outside of the body. This is a common issue and certainly a big one. It is one thing to use ozone to in an experiment outside of the body and a completely different when using ozone therapy inside the body. What I find is that most people do not realize that ozone works much better when it does not have to deal with our internal biology. Once inside the body, there are a lot of processes that have to be dealt with to ensure that we get the same reaction as noted in this picture. This important fact is not included anywhere and is omitted in almost all research that I have encountered. We must understand that taking all things into consideration, these types of postings do nothing but confuse all of us as to the abilities of ozone in the human body. It does not matter what you do outside of the body with any ingredient, it does matter what happens in the body, again, common sense.

Look, it's like this, whatever disease or disorder that you have, there may be a way to reverse it but common sense would dictate to you that whatever it was that person, doctor or website told you reversed his or her condition may work for you but then again may not. This is because we are all different in our composition, not one of us is the same.

The relationship to disease or disorder and our personal structure is different from the next person. Consider this, a person goes on the internet and sees that a set of people that eventually found relief from a particular disorder, so they go out and seek this potion, lotion or what have you, they try it hoping that it will give them relief as well, but in the end it helps some but does not do as others have claimed. It is not the fault of the product per se, but is the combination of the product and the individual.

Now, let's look at products, an article comes out that specifically states that some herb, root, essence has been used to treat some specific disorder and the very next day, there are a hundred suppliers and MLM companies selling and advertising this product as the answer to that affliction. It may or may not contain any of that particular ingredient. There are no clear cut rules in this, so it is possible that there would be no product, very little or a similar product in the formula, no one would know unless they test each and every batch. This does happen more than you think folks. Remember, we are all humans and as such susceptible to any and all weaknesses, whether we are Medical, Alternative or other. In the same vein, we are hungry to believe, which makes us a direct target, doesn't it?

All things considered it could be a factual claim by the article but what is not disclosed, or rarely is, how it is to be used and as well in what capacity and concentration, what is the active ingredient and can it be used a whole or are there parts needed? These questions are never answered and not even considered, the product with that specific ingredient is marketed and sold by the millions, I have seen this many more times than I wish to. Of course after a run of a couple of years and the sales are exhausted, the product is sold out and we go to the next product of the day. MLM people are pros as are the internet Guru's, I know of one guy that created a product and made well over $30 million dollars in the first year, that is some serious cash! Commercialism at it's best...

There is one other point and it relates to ozone therapy as well. The product that you purchase and use or the one that is used on you is only as good as the person you choose to treat you with it. What I mean by this statement and it is perhaps the most important of all, is that something used as a healing agent is only as good as the person administering it and their knowledge of biology and science relating to the many variables and functions of the human body. Sometimes a product works slow, sometimes fast, but for true healing to occur it is never a fast course. I am shocked that people do not understand this one undeniable fact. The body does not heal rapidly, it is an impossibility, there are far too many variables and functions that need to occur before the body heals, I mean truly heals. Yes, it is true that you may feel better at some point in any therapy but this is not true healing, true healing is attained once parameters are at a level in the body considered safe, but even then the body has to catch up and healing may take longer. I always question why, when a product works so well, the person that is promoting it never bothers to put up lab reports of individuals that have used it like we have on this page If done right, patient confidentiality is preserved and maintained. All I see is what people have said or video testimony and there are never any follow ups. At least with lab reports you can see that the body has reacted to a certain extent and it is not just someone believing of feeling the effects, whether real or placebo.

So, what is the answer, well, I really don't have one, other than the fact that it is time that we stop listening to the self proclaimed guru's on the internet, you know which ones I mean. Their route is a financial one. Listen, I have met them and have talked at length with them, they start off trying to help but in the end, it is always the same. Sure they are nice, cordial with winning personalities but really, take a look at their websites, are they not full of things that one should use and buy, do they not endorse these things, of course they do, that is how they survive and it is because of that that they endorse them. Do they use these products themselves, probably they do. Do these products help them and others, probably to a point. But, none of these guys have all the answers, no one does.

What's my final word? Well, do your research, know your body, check what works and what doesn't specific to both you and your disorder. By the way, the disorder that you may have may not be what you think so get many opinions, not just one. Be patient with whatever you are using, know that healing is a slow process and at times it may not work for a while. Educate yourselves, look at scientific literature that you trust to be accurate and always, always, test, test and re-test the function of your body, it is the only real way to tell what this specific product is really doing to you and your biology.

There is always an answer, although it may not be the one that you want to hear so instead of looking for what you all seem to want, which is an elusive "cure", look instead of how you can improve your quality of life. This may end up to be a much more attainable goal and is after all what we really want, isn't it? We want to feel better, we want to be in control of our own body, we want to live a pain free life, these are all factors of quality. To find it we have to take matters in our own hands without the excuse of I don't understand or have time, money or any other excuse we can come up with, it is your life and health that you are dealing with and you need to be the person that controls how, first is to diagnose carefully and accurately, second is, who you choose to treat it, third, be watchful of how the therapy and your biology relate to each other by constantly testing the effects and parameters. Fourth and most important of all, do not take instruction or believe what is on the internet. Lastly, never give up hope in yourself and your capabilities. Everything I have told you relates to any and all Medical Sciences that you choose to participate in. This, to me is just plain common sense and relates to Medical Ozone Therapy as well!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ozone Therapy and Therapeutical Considerations Part 2

It has been a while since the last post, sometimes work and life get in the way. In any event, just recently something came up that I thought would be the perfect example as to why I stress therapeutic considerations and test, test and test again and not only with ozone therapy.

In the last blog part one which is here I had stressed the importance of doing testing, what type to do and why. Hopefully all of you now understand my reason for this and have followed what I had to say. I pray that others in the field, as well, read and understood the importance of this and if not, I am always here to answer questions.

I would like now to tell you the story of our latest patient that will tie into all this and give you a better picture of the extreme importance of testing.

SB came to us after much talk over the internet to clear herself of the herpes virus with Medical Ozone Therapy and Clearwood. She had been infected by a man that never told her he was married and had kids. She had breakouts and lesions that were very painful and debilitating. After the breakout she had noticed a large amount of pain in her pelvic area and had thought that it was perhaps from the sex, skiing or the herpes itself. She went to have it checked out by a Gyno, this was in February of this year.
SB's armpit, not allowed to post pelvic area but just imagine

The Gyno told her without doing any testing and putting the poor woman through a torturous and painful examination that she had nerve damage or a bruised bone. So, she was put on opiates for pain and valium for sleep. So she was sent home with a basket full of drugs, sound familiar?

She came to us in August, so not working for seven months and in torturous pain when sitting, standing, hoping that it will go away. After all, this was a qualified doctor telling her it could be six months to a year before she recovers, why would she question it?

We took in SB and started her treatment for Herpes as well as cleaning out her blood with Medical Ozone for any other issues and gave her some Vitamin IV's and herbals to counteract the pain and swelling, if there was any. After a week or so we sent her for a CT scan of the abdomen to understand or try to why she was in so much pain.

When the scan came back we were amazed to see that her issue instead was related to a cyst in her ovary and actually quite a few small ones that were developing inside her. This was the answer that she was looking for for all this time, it was now conclusive as to why she was suffering so much and she could have been treated for this back in February had the Gyno bothered to do a complete exam instead of speculating on her condition. She is now as well on treatment for her ovarian cysts. She will also write her story in her own words and it will be posted so that it helps others in a similar situation.

Just to mention that when a patient comes to us we do quite a lot of testing to assess both the biological terrain and any other issues that might be occurring and will occur. We believe that our work does not start and end with what the patient has come for but as well in what we see in our analysis. There is no point in for instance just treating someone for herpes and then finding out that they have some other issue that occurred after they left. We believe that we should completely assess anyone that comes to us in an effort to give them the best quality of life possible.

The reason that I am writing all this down is as the topic of this post states, the importance of proper testing before any therapy is considered for any individual. In our lives we test and examine anything that we do before coming to a conclusion as to how we handle it, this is only common sense. Car repair, house repair, any repair or alteration is done by carefully analysis to ascertain the condition and issue. Why is it different when it comes to Medical Science? Should this not be the utmost consideration?

Lately I had received so much email on the aspect of evaluation in first world countries. Many have informed me that doctors shrug off or will not even discuss conditions and symptoms, this must stop. I also hear that it is extremely difficult to obtain your tests and that doctors will not discuss them if they come back within rage. This is highly unethical and as well truly unprofessional. It is your body, you have a right to know and it is their obligation to explain, period!

We are so inundated with the media reports of all that is happening in the world that we are not paying attention to what really matters in our own back yard. This is utmost priority in our lives and health. When we see a patient more often than not, this type of situation comes up. If you want to truly discuss what is wrong with the Medical System, this is it. As I have said before and as I will say again, do not have any type of condition treated by anyone unless they have done proper diagnostics in an effort to evaluate your condition in detail before recommending any type of therapy!

This is true for any therapy, whether it be Medical, Alternative, Complimentary or whatever flavor you prefer, this is common sense and I do not understand why we do not see it. Do not believe in anyone just because you heard, read or saw a testimonial. Be wary of everything that is on the internet, do your research and take manners in your own hands. Everyone has vested interest in having you as a patient, remember that, take this into your own hands and demand that it be done right, fight for your right to have the best quality of life possible and do not accept excuses as to why what you need and want can't be done. It is your right and your responsibility...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ozone Therapy and Therapeutical Considerations Part 1

This subject needs consideration both in the world of Alternative/Complimentary health as well as in the Medical mainstream. The crux of any therapy should be based on a certain set of diagnostic parameters and these need careful discussion and consideration before attempting to treat any patient any where and any time. This is especially true when using Medical Ozone.

Many patients come to our clinic for ozone therapy and are appalled at the number of tests and diagnostics that we put them under to be able to ascertain what truly is the cause of their disorder as well as the road ahead for their recovery. While, to us this is standard fare, it seems to most that it is much more than they are used to. This has been brought to my attention time after time so I thought I would share this topic with all those reading this blog and the reason for our decision to implement this type of analysis for all our patients.

The first reality of our mainstream medical standard is that doctors are not generally trained to understand lab tests and what they mean and if they are they are taught by medical literature. This literature is mainly based on pharma knowledge and drug based therapy which is not really all that truthful. This is not a value judgement on my part and no offence to anyone intended. We have all seen and heard in many reports through the years from those insiders in the research and drug companies that have come out to tell us their horrible stories. Basing your primary diagnosis on a set of lies whether unknowingly or otherwise is the first step towards failure in medicine.

This does lead to a statement on the quality of education regarding medicine and health in our society and that would be another topic to discuss at a later date. What is important in assessing health or direction of health is that the assessor is qualified to truly understand what all those figures and results mean. Secondly and just as important, how to put them together in one carefully researched diagnosis so to establish a correct protocol both for the safety of the patient and their road to recovery. These in my opinion are the most important parameters in ant type of medical therapy today, this is not just limited to modern medicine. It encompasses any type of health therapy. In fact most errors in medicine, alternative/complimentary are based on these operator errors, errors of omission so to speak and some have been fatal.

We have all had an experience where we go to the medical person of our choosing and explain what maladies we suffer from, without asking much input from you, the doctor prescribes a certain set of tests and sends them off to the lab. You go home and chew your nails while the testing is being done, weeks go by and you do not hear from your doctor, for some of you, you leave it at that but for others you wonder what became of the testing so you either call your doctor or go to see him/her  and ask. The answer is most frequently, "Well, they came back and were all within range so there was no need to call you." Satisfied you go on about your business as if nothing is wrong and you are healthy but in the back of your mind you still have the symptoms that you came in to discuss. However less now for some strange reason, probably because you have learned to cope with them or your body has started to correct them. In some cases they are worse but frustration regarding this cycle leads you to just sit and bear it, not good in any case.

The truth of this is that the doctor looks at your tests and sees that all is within range, not highlighted by the lab and leaves it at that. This is not real diagnostics, one must look at all those parameters and truly understand what they mean. The lab reports that show a range are general and do not pertain to all, in essence one must be qualified to understand that ranges have three characteristics outside of "within range". Those would be normal high, normal low and normal mid range and those do have a bearing on your health when related to others in your lab report. They do indicate an issue or an upcoming issue that should be taken care of before it becomes a life threatening situation or a debilitating disease. The sad reality is that they are not carefully screened and pretty soon you are on your way to the doctor with something that could have been easily avoided or even worse being admitted to the hospital.

The second part of this issue that needs discussion is, what tests should be considered standard? This has been an issue with me from day one of my venture into medicine. The way it is now, testing is and has become very expensive so most doctors/therapists are reluctant to do much testing and again you get the issue of being under-diagnosed. This behavior tends to overlook whatever issue is really occurring in the system. We believe that you should be tested for anything that we can think of, in that way we can rule out what a patient does not have instead of chasing what a patient does have, a much easier system to be sure and one that has proved to us works as we have found issues no one would have guessed existed. In this method we can and do prevent the occurrence of many larger issues in the future. Preventative or true anti-aging therapy one might call it.

The tests that should always be considered without doubt in any form of medicine for any patient as a general rule are as follows:

Diabetic Screen
Kidney Function
Lipid Profile
Liver Function
Hepatitis Screen
Thyroid Screen

These tests will tell any health provider what they need to look at and any further studies that they need to have the patient do or undergo. Of course there are others specialized tests in addition that would relate to condition, complaint and even genetic influence among others.

As well, it is of paramount importance that a patient undergoes a heart study as there is a lot that one can find in a heart study, the heart and cardiovascular system is directly related to the way our body works and should be considered when testing for any and all disorders. let's face it if your heart is not working optimally, nothing in your system will work optimally as the heart is related to all parts of the anatomy in the sense that it directs the blood and blood is life, at least in my opinion. The least of these studies should be an echo with a fairly accurate machine and a fairly well trained cardiologist running it, not an intern or a nurse. No offence to nurses or interns but I do believe that a cardiologist is more in tune to the fine details, at least I hope so.

So, there you have it, this should be the first part of anyone's journey to better health, be it with the Modern Medical paradigm or the Alternative/Complimentary scene. If the Health Practitioner does not do this for you before diagnosing or running any other tests, demand it be done. If they insist on running such tests as a live blood cell analysis or some other type and tell you that they can tell just as much or tell you that the lab reports are not accurate, they most probably do not understand them and my advise is to change that health provider immediately. For those of you in the health industry, please take the time to understand the scope of laboratory testing, when used right it is an invaluable tool in diagnosing what is wrong with a patient and it is your duty to use all means at your disposal to correctly analyse a patient before recommending or commencing any therapy, medical, natural or otherwise. Remember, "First do no harm!". If you base your methods on a set of parameters that are not complete, there is a certain probability that you may do harm, even if the internet and various authors have you convinced otherwise...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Medical Ozone Therapy And Lyme Disease

In this post I would like to talk about the use of ozone therapy in the eradication or reversal of Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease has certainly become the focus of many, especially in North America where it seem that the numbers of this debilitating disease continue to grow at an alarming rate.

The first and most important factor in this equation is the inability of medical practitioners to correctly diagnose it, secondly their inability to properly treat it. There have been many attempts to treat this sickness with the use of anti-biotics and such but this, in my opinion, is lame and ineffective. Lyme, in general, has quite a few defenses, and this type of therapy, while helping, will not resolve it. With these therapies, you may be able to control or reverse disease to a degree, but it will return because of its ability to re-produce itself. It must be eradicated at the source, then and only then can one begin to heal the damage that it has created. This type of therapy is the same for all major disease, HIV and cancer to name a few. I don't think this is difficult to understand.

The damage done to the body by the pathogen, or disease, is the real issue, not the pathogen or the disease. It seems to me that the disease has many of my colleagues baffled.
Let's break this down a bit. Borrelia and Babesia are believed to be the pathogens involved.(I am being very general here. For further info see (LymeDisease.) These are easy to eliminate. The cysts that they produce, however, are more challenging.
Any well trained ozone therapist with a sound medical ozone generator should be able to eliminate the Borrelia or Babesia. The challenge is to eliminate all cysts. You need to understand  these cysts in order to completely rid the host of them. These cysts have a wall that is not easily penetrated by conventional ozone therapy. This means that as soon as the client stops ozone therapy the cysts will again open and release Lyme into the system, reinfecting the patient. These cysts can hide for days, weeks, months or years. To be considered effective, a therapy must ensure that these cysts are also eradicated. Commonly available ozone therapies do not eradicate these cysts and are, therefore, useless.

The good news is that we, at Ozone Research Group Inc., have been instrumental in creating a protocol that ensures these cysts are removed, along with the Borrelia and Babesia. Our Medical Ozone Generators are the only safe way to infuse enough ozone into the system to puncture a hole in the cyst wall and completely eradicate this source of re-occurring Lyme Infection permanently.

In simple terms, our generators infuse  ozone into the system equal to approximately 50 Direct IV's of ozone, or approximately 30 Autohemotherapies; and we do all this in 60 minutes. Another major factor in our success is our .22 micron blood filter. What this means essentially is that not much but blood will pass through this filter leaving all contaminants, toxins and whatever garbage is in the blood in either the filter or the collection jar attached to the unit. This enables our therapy to be a true blood cleaning and purification system.

When one uses an ozone generator of any type, the amount of ozone generated is 7% or less. The remaining gas is regular o2. So, in essence, what you have is 93-99% oxygen. This is the amount that is introduced inside the body when using conventional ozone therapies such as Direct IV or Autohemotherapy. Unfortunately, the red blood cells pick up the ozone, but not the oxygen, so the body has to deal with it.

Our therapy is unique, in that all contact with the blood is done outside the body. While outside of the body, the blood picks up the ozone and converts it (again I am being very general), while the oxygen is disposed of via the collection jar or the exhaust from the unit. With our therapy, therefore, no oxygen or ozone enters the blood, only converted, charged, clean blood goes back to the patient.

There are many other factors in chemistry and science that occur in our therapy that make it a far superior form of ozone therapy than any other,  but I will leave that for another day and get to the topic at hand.

The amount or concentration value of ozone at times must be extremely high to enable us to clean out the Borrelia, Babesia and of course the cysts. So high that this would as well put a burden on the red blood cells as well, other variables as well but let's just stick with red blood cells for now. In other forms of ozone therapy against Lyme this would certainly be disadvantageous as the blood cells would be eradicated as well, due to the method. In our advanced form of ozone therapy however we are able to see this occurrence and either lower the concentration variable or filter the destroyed cells so that they never enter the body. Truly a unique form of medical ozone technology and certainly effective against Lyme disease.

There are unscrupulous therapists that claim to have our technology and protocol,but do not.,  Our methodology is only available to a small number of practitioners. To ensure that you are receiving the correct treatment, please contact me for a list of certified practitioners  In the future we will have a link to all certified practitioners of true RHP Medical Ozone Therapy.

Please feel free to ask any other questions that you may have on this blog or my various links and emails...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More Truth In Medical Ozone Therapy

Been away for a while so did not have time to post about anything. Decided to take my family to Kenya to meet their relatives, you see, my wife is of Kenyan decent and has a huge family there. It was also the place where I was fortunate enough to start my work with Medical Ozone Therapy. It was the place where I met my wife, in a pharmacy. She was a pharmacist there and I needed to purchase medication on a regular basis . . .  even more so when I set eyes on her obvious beauty, but that's another story.

The reason I tell you this is because when I came back from Kenya with my kids, my wife had decided to stay for another two weeks. I was not feeling quite well. I had at first thought it was from the excitement of the trip and all that travelling with two kids in tow, and of course I would have jet lag and a bit of exhaustion, so it was something expected and I would get over it.

The day after my trip I went to pick up my dog from the veterinarian where he was being housed while we were away. Only about five or so yards from our clinic  I had a very bad feeling set over me and decided to return to the ozone clinic.  Upon entering I found myself very breathless and kind of woozy so I sat down. I could hear our manager at the clinic talking to me but I really could not make out what she was saying, as if I was in a trance and about to go to sleep. Still trying to catch my breath and keep myself together I could see all sorts of commotion around me, a bit scary at first, but really I didn't think much of it. I was ushered to a bed and made to lay down.

After a while, I had found out that my blood pressure was 90/60 and my pulse was 130. For someone of my size and height, this was of course very alarming, so they immediately started to give me IV fluids in an effort to stabilize me. This worked and my blood pressure came up to an acceptable range, and my pulse came down, but not much. I needed rest I thought, and it seemed like I was very dehydrated.

The next day I noticed that even the slightest movement would make me go breathless, and I immediately made an appointment with a very skilled Cardiologist friend of ours to see what it was that was going on. After tests and scans, we had found that there were a host of issues, my blood profile was a bit alarming and the CT scan showed that I had a large abscess in my spleen, somewhat of a rare disorder but very deadly. We immediately set out to do what was necessary, which was to be 4 grams of broad spectrum antibiotics a day for three days, another 2 grams of antibiotics per day for another three days, and then 1000 mg. per day for three weeks.

Why am I telling you this story? It is very simple. I have wanted to write for a long time about the fact that it is not always right to choose alternative therapies with every problem that we encounter. Sometimes it is necessary to use pharmaceuticals first and then choose alternatives. The question of course that I had been given was, why did you not use Medical Ozone Therapy for your abscess? Well, Medical Ozone as powerful as it is, does not have the capability to get rid of this type of abscess as fast as antibiotics do. Since there was an urgent need that we could not satisfy without pharmaceutical intervention, we chose antibiotics. This is exactly the point that I am trying to make.

In this medical world of ours there are many modalities that can be used and many disorders that need to be treated, along with that, there are many variations in humans and it is never one treatment, or therapeutic principle, that will benefit all. Life does not work that way, and certainly Medical Science does not work that way. We must really come out of this either conventional or alternative, either carnivore or vegetarian mentality. This is not what it is about, it is about taking all into consideration and working on what is best for you, specifically and individually.

Though I am dedicated to the promotion of Ozone Therapies as one of the safest and most potent healing options available today, I also recognize that some individuals are unable to do MOT, and, as a result, other options must be considered, or other factors corrected, before ozone can be done. And in some cases, pharmaceuticals might be beneficial/needed.

There is nothing wrong with this line of thinking and any skilled doctor or practitioner should embrace it as it is probably a lot easier to make a person not only feel better but get to a state of health much faster than with and either or mentality. We are in a world where it seems that every modality has its own team fighting against the other. Alternative practitioners against pharmaceuticals, naturalists against conventionals, vegetarians against meat eaters. I sit back and ask myself why?

In my opinion, the answer is not in one or the other, the true answer is in all of it together. We must, for the sake of all that are sick and diseased, come together and use whatever means are at our disposal to cure the ills of mankind. We must all stop thinking that the way we know is the best, because we really do not know, there are more things to learn and more possibilities to examine. I have said this time and time again. My journey in the healing arts started about twenty years ago and every day I learn something new. Sometimes, what I learn shakes the foundation that my thinking was built upon and I have to re-evaluate.

The true calling to heal is not about a closed mind, it is about an open mind to accept all that we have on this planet.  There is much to learn, and even though we have found ways to tackle some of the major illnesses that exist, there will always be more and there will always be better. It has been that way since the beginning.

I encourage you to explore new thoughts, look at all options, do not be afraid of any modality that brings about a change in your thinking. It just may be the right one for you and may save your life or that of a loved one. Do not let financial gain, or stubborn thoughts, or what someone else taught you get in the way. I did not and that is why I am alive today and able to write this to you...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Debate, "Ozone Therapy" or "Medical Ozone Therapy"!

This one sentence above has been on my mind for a long time now so I want to write about it. It is of great concern of mine that the issue of ozone therapy is taken seriously not only by the media who, for the most part ignores the whole issue completely, but as well by the general public, all those scientists, medicos and professors as well. So, listen up all of you, even the ones in the Health Ministries, I know you read this blog, so listen up...! What I am referring to today is the whole concept of the terms, "ozone therapy" and Medical Ozone Therapy", am I the only person that has a problem with these terms? What are all the professors and highly skilled surgeons and doctors, etc.. thinking, why would you use the term "ozone therapy" when clearly it should be described as "medical ozone therapy"? Think for a minute, if one wants to distinguish medical ozone from environmental ozone would it not be prudent to give it a different name?

The mistake that we all tend to make now is to call it ozone. Immediately you get people looking up at the sky, thinking ozone hole, ozone smog and anything to do with environmental ozone. Negatives and doom and gloom pour into their heads and they either change the topic or look like a deer that has seen headlights. But that's not all, not only will people that have no former knowledge of this wonderful therapeutic marvel be confused but you tend to confuse all those that you introduce to on the idea, including, doctors, scientists, scholars of all fields and types. The more educated on environmental ozone, the worse it becomes. You see, we have been conditioned to think about global warming, ozone hole type of ozone but nothing near the fact that there exists a totally unique and different ozone, medically therapeutic ozone! It has absolutely nothing in relation to the ozone in the sky, nothing, it is a combination of toxic gasses and fumes and might as well be called gas soup and not ozone.

Here's an example to make you think. How about the difference between oxygen in the atmosphere and bottled oxygen, if they were the same why would they put a mask on you and make you breathe pure oxygen to get better in an emergency situation? Why would they have oxygen bars dispensing oxygen to those that keep coming back for more? Why would everything oxygen be showing up in anything one can think of oxygenized this and that, bottled, compressed, infused, the list goes on. But, in the same breath one needs a prescription to have medical grade oxygen, does that make it dangerous, well anything too much would be but certainly when used intelligently, a resounding, no! You would assume then, to any person with the inkling of intelligence this would mean something? And in this sense people understand the difference, and why, because it is classified as medical oxygen, that's why! Makes it easy to tell the difference, doesn't it?

Now, I am a great believer of the KISS method, for those that do not understand, that means, "Keep It Simple and Stupid", well, at least that's what I remember it to mean and it does make sense in this crazy information world of ours. There is such a stream of information that we are bombarded with on a day to day basis, the less complicated something becomes, the easier it would be to understand. We really do not have time to hear long drawn out explanations on every little aspect of our lives so we depend on those more learned than us to give us bits, nuggets that we can swallow, so here is one from me, forget "ozone therapy" and think "medical ozone therapy", forget "ozone therapist" and think "medical ozone therapist", forget "ozone generator" and think "medical ozone generator"! In essence, when you hear or read about any ozone being used on humans or animals, or any person doing ozone of any sort on any living thing, just put the word "medical" in front of it so that we, you I and all other people on this planet do not confuse the two terms, simple, huh?

What we need to do is shift our thoughts away from that railroad track that we have been stuck on by the masters so that we can understand more about this world and the wonders that surround us day to day. This is true with the many materials that we encounter in an effort to better humanity. We had thought of alternatives with everyday objects and materials and used them differently with success, sometimes they were better than the original use. I bet if you really think about it you can picture many ingredients, objects, things, etc...with alternate uses, so I won't go through that. Please open your mind to a different reality, one of observation and examination, do not listen to those with vested interest, explore your unknown realities that exist. Should you listen and do this, you will find without doubt there is no object more important to explore for our health and well being than "ozone". But please be correct in your terminology and classify it as what it is, and that would be nothing other than "medical ozone"!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ozone Therapy Misconceptions

 Fortunate as I have been after being in the Medical Ozone field for the last 17 years and having myself thrust into building  three hospitals that serviced patients in ozone therapy, I still am finding new modalities and uses for this gas that we call Medical Ozone. It is very complex in nature and as well in science and it sometimes baffles me when I read stories and postings on the internet. Stories of unbelievable cures (not my words, don't like that word) that seem to be real.

To gain an understanding of all this one has to add equations to the subject at hand. These come in the form of a couple of things. One would be the person's physiology, another is the disease progression. Some others would be what other therapy the person was doing at the time, even geography has something to do with it. Who was doing the ozone therapy, what were they exactly doing, was the disease misdiagnosed, was a cure declared too early? Perhaps the more direct question would be, is it lasting or a transient effect? I don't know, maybe they are true and I am just putting words out there but our bodies are very complex in nature and it normally is a stretch to believe that in a short time anything will heal, it takes a while as the body has usually been in that state for a lot longer. This again is based on my opinion and what I have witnessed over the years.

This puts a very strange question out there, are we actually helping our cause or harming it by putting this information up? Yes, while it is true, in my opinion, that ozone therapy used for reversal of disease is the safest and best form of therapy to use, the real question is, how is the public to believe us if we do not clarify what we put up on the internet? You see, I think it is our duty to clarify what it truly is that ozone can do although I can tell you honestly that we really have not even begun to understand it's complexity even though all of us have been studying it for over 150 years. There are still some things to this day that occur and I am completely baffled as to how it can possibly be.

Now, do not get me wrong here, there is a lot of credible research on the net regarding ozone therapy and it's efficacy, like on Medscape and such. There are even two books by Professor Velio Bocci, even testimony on my own site that covers the potent efficacy of Medical Ozone Therapy. What I am talking about is the common man's testimony, reason I say this is that it would have you believe that since Joe Smith had his disease resolved so will you and that is just not the case. We are all different and being so must understand the issues I stated above, what works in a certain way with one may not work the same with another. This is the issue with Alternative Therapies, they do not work like drugs. They are in effect stimulating your own system to do the work, whereas drugs target some function and force it to do something or block something. In essence, because we are so vastly different, so is the effect and recovery in Alternative Therapies. This understanding is of paramount importance and must be clearly understood by the public and all that try to help in the aspect of healing, including professionals. 

You see, the real problem is Medical ozone Therapies acceptance as a true Medical Modality, if it were, there would be major studies in every university, ozone therapies would become the standard in every doctors office and every patient at some point would benefit to some degree. Ozone therapy would become so inexpensive that we could dispense it for free to those in lands that really have no source of income to make them capable and healthy human beings. It would be covered under insurance in other countries and obtainable to everyone. Drugs or most of them would no longer be in use, most surgeries would not occur and most cancers would as well be non-existent. No bad viruses, bacterium, parasitical infections, fungus gone. This would be a world much healthier and saner because ozone has the ability to even normalize brain chemistry as it does truly pass through the blood/brain barrier, where no drug is able to . Everybody would go in once a month, as I do and get their blood cleaned and purified keeping their immune system, organs, body and most importantly their heart in the best shape possible. Wow, think of what this would mean?

Oooops, wait, is that what the world really wants, is that what our leaders want, is it all an imaginary dream that I am relating, seems so, because at this point it has gone far past the point of frustration with me. Try as I might the powers that be just turn their heads and ignore the issues of success like they really do not care. Their illogical stance regarding ozone therapy is well, illogical. What has happened to us that we now do not even look at things that could possible save our life or give us better quality of life? If we are to ever become sick with God forbid something the world deems incurable, what then, would we then turn to ozone therapy, but what if then is too late, what if the body is so festered that nothing short of a miracle would be able to have it recover? It is nothing short of criminal to deny a person something that could potentially save them or at best give them a better quality of life, I do not think I am alone in that assumption.

Folks, we really need to smarten up here, because it is in our hands, you know, we do have the right to dictate what goes in our bodies and what we do with them, we still do have choice, we still do have the power to tell the governments that we want a better option to the one we have, we still have that voice where we can band together united and stand for a common goal. But I fear that we will not have that much longer, we get sicker by the day, our children are poisoned by the fast food and garbage products big business spews out day by day, not to mention vaccines and every other poison that inflicts our lives day by day. Be steadfast in your internal urge to do something, to say something to speak out because deep inside you I know there is a belief that it can be better, it must be better for the sake of us all. It is your right and duty to do what you can for your fellow man or for yourself before someone comes to you or one of your loved ones and utters those words that will make you shudder, "I am sorry but it's just too late!"

Monday, April 09, 2012

Here We Go, Under Fire!

It just perplexes me as to how many people do not understand what it is that we do and as such seem to think that they can discredit our work just by putting up false stories on the internet. But I guess this has plagued mankind since the beginning of time. Ridicule, condemnation and harassment. The pioneers of anything that has proven to be worth something in science all went through this, Tesla, Einstein to name a few, it comes with the territory I would assume and I guess I should be proud to be a part of such prominent figures.

We strive to make the best ozone units on the planet, we may be ahead of our time on this and maybe that's why the sour feelings from our colleagues, they did not think of it first. One must remember we have been practicing this type of science for the last twenty years, they are just beginning. Sometimes, clinical practice tends to teach us more than we want to know and we start to try and tell the world of our findings only to be bullied and harassed. It is a free internet after all and anyone can and will say what they like which is more the reason that all of you reading this should really study everything in detail before making a decision to believe.

Maybe it's because we figured out a way to shorten the process and they are trying to protect their interests, I have no idea but is that  not the same as what the pharmaceutical industry is also trying to do with all their subversive payoffs, toxic drugs and unlawful use of Government clout? One doesn't know where the enemy ends and the friend starts anymore...

The most repulsive thing that I can think of is when a person approaches you and says, " I have heard about you and it aint good." The first thing I want to do is correct their language but I tend to get over that. What I want to know is why in the name of all that is holy do these people that talk about you never approach you and confront their issues? To me it seems that either they have no backbone or they are full of BS, what else can it be. I hate to rant but it is such a big thing in our society today to talk behind someones back, have we really gone so low and so deep that we must talk about each other and not to each other.

So, the lesson today is, if you have heard something about someone, go to that person and tell them what you heard, you may be surprised a the answer that you get. Why carry around a mind full of thoughts that are there from someone other than the source? We are all here for a reason, we are all bound by some fabric that the great Universe decided would be our destiny and it is our obligation to respect each other no matter what we hear so let's try and do what's right. There are two sides to every story and there are also you may find stories that are stretched beyond their initial act, I am certain that any adult can relate to this and if not, you have been very fortunate and sheltered in this life.

I would assume that once this technology begins to move even more around the world there will be more frequent attacks on the character of everyone involved. Please do not listen to third party information, ask the source and be liberated of the shackles imposed in your mind by those that have nothing better to do but create stories to make themselves look good...

Whatever the reason for this insane manipulation of fact, let it be known now and forever that we are the originators of the modern day version of Recuirculatory Haemoperfusion RHP and Extracorporeal Blood Ozonation and Oxygenation EBOO and that we are the only body that is certified to do these types of ozone therapies. So, the next time you decide that you want to try this method on yourself, ask the person administering this not so easy therapeutic process if they are certified by our body or any of us to do this work and if their ozone units are certified by us. If they are not and do not have a certificate to prove it, do yourself a favor and run the other way as you will most certainly be putting your life in an untrained persons hands. And for you that are doing this treatment, not certified with ozone units that are not manufactured by us, please feel free to contact us so that we can put you on the right track for the safety of all concerned.

I welcome any and all comments...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Reach Out To All Alternative Medicine Practicioners

Let me welcome you all and say that you are all appreciated. 

Many of you are aware and know that we have now started a magazine called Healthy Living With Ozone, this magazine is being published by a Non-Profit organization in Malaysia, translated it is The Organization of Medical Ozone Physicians Malaysia,  and it is at the heart of all Ozone therapy activity in this part of Asia.

Their mandate is to have ozone therapy accepted as a Medical modality through the extremely tedious processes within the government, so far there have been no issues and it looks promising. The other mandates are of course to help the needy and those that need help. They have purchased a new ambulance for those that cannot afford to pay for one. Much of this information will be in the magazine and also on the upcoming website. There is a lot more in the works.

We, in Malaysia believe that the magazine itself will be a helpful tool to all Alternative Therapists in the world as it will in print form give us all credibility. We also believe that it will be a tool that you can all use to inform the public as to what it is that you are doing in your particular field of Alternative therapy as well as create an up-to-date directory for Alternative therapists and their clinics.

We are in the process going digital, so hopefully soon we will be in the iTunes marketplace for all to see and download, this will give us access to about 500 million people. We are not thinking that many will, of course, view but the possibility of this is enormous and all of you can be a part of this.

My reason for this message is simple, we need you to partner with us and help to better our magazine, yourselves and Alternative Therapy in general. We will publish ads for a very low price in our magazine; I have had suggestions about placing credit card sized ads or like a classified column in the magazine. This will all be low cost of course, for those that wish a full page ad we will do the artwork for you and can quote you a price when you decide what size you would like. The second issue will be out mid-June so time is running out. Incidentally, we have managed to circulate about 6500 magazines on the first issue alone and internationally, I might add.

It would be absolutely amazing if you would all buy a place in this magazine to start it off on the right foot. Once we go digital all these ads will as well have a link to your site and email, this will increase your ranking in both Google and the web so really think about this. 

Let me end by saying that we also welcome your submissions to the magazine, we want you to write about what you are doing, theories, success stories and whatever else you think should be in a magazine about Alternative Therapy because this magazine is meant for all of us, so please send whatever you like, but remember we need a written authorization from  you saying that we can publish your writing and also a head shot and small bio to include in our publication. Feel free to contact me at

As always, suggestions and comments are welcome…

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why Can't We Just Get Along?

Of late, I have had deep thoughts about the future and how it is shaping out. I have kids, they are 8 and 3 now, so I look and think what will the world that I have brought them into lead to, what will it be like?

So much of today is set out so that we are at each others throats surviving so that we can buy food for our families, what have they done to us to make us this way, we were at one time happy, I remember the 70's and 80's it was a time of peace and joy, the worse thing that would happen was you would get some bad acid and freak out but all in all it was a quiet time of progress, where did it all go? How did we let it get this way?

Anyway, this is not a political post so let me get on with it. In my field of ozone therapy I see the same type of thing. I see almost all ozonists out there fighting with each other for that little bit of whatever they receive whether it be glory of finances, not understanding that this is the way of conditioning, this is how we are weak. Pin us against each other, make it so we do not agree, make it so we squabble, inflate our egos so we do not want to work with each other, that's the trick you know, that's the behavior that stops us from, progress in all fields and not just in Medical Ozone Therapy.

It was a glorious thing this internet we had thought what better way to get the word out to the masses, we thought. What we did not understand is that it was just another method to have us believe what they wanted us to and to have a tool for us to use against each other. So we put up our ads, we put up our hearts in words we proudly showed our work for all to see. Look, look at this marvel of science that has been around for at least 100 years. This is not just ozone but Medical Ozone, look! But wait, why are they mocking me, why are they saying those things, why are they disagreeing with me? There it was, the purpose, now we are just pawns in the game again.

Here is a post that I did on a forum I run...What we see is that this Medical ozone thing has been handled wrong for a long time, too much too soon, I think it is time that it became organized and smart. Many have attempted to do ozone in many different ways without actually understanding it fully, I get amazed at the lack of understanding with physicians and others in the field. They at times believe that a weekend course is enough or that one year of working with it is enough or that testing in laboratory settings is enough to make them knowledgeable. These are the ones that have put this therapy in jeopardy and they need to understand that this is far more complex and as such needs detail and attention. Enough has been done to slander Medical ozone, let alone those that have made it their reason in life to make it a true Medical Modality.

We will be going forward in our mandate to do this and I ask you all to participate in this, in whatever way you can, obviously the only thing that you can do is support us, by purchasing the magazine Healthy Living With Ozone, is one way. The next issue will answer a lot of questions that I have been asked and some answers will certainly surprise you, whether you believe of course will be up to you. There is a reason for this magazine other than its importance to those that want info, a much bigger reason, it is only the beginning.

By viewing the videos on You Tube that I put out but not just yourselves we need you to tell your friends, neighbors and relatives. We do not need everyone to believe what we are doing or even trust that we know what we are doing, that will come in proof shortly but now we need everyone to band together and be united.

I see that there is another group out there on ozone, won’t mention it because most of you are on it from the posts that I see, yet I never see any cross-posting or any questions that are relevant to Medical ozone and I do see a lot of bashing of personalities in ozone therapy that have done much for this modality, this is the point, how can we ever be a united force if we keep bashing each other, posting opinions against beliefs is a different story. All this gets picked up by Google and all can see that we are just people with no sense of direction, how are we ever to be taken seriously by that conduct.

Truth telling is again different as well, there have been many factors that I have found out about ozone since my time in Malaysia that have surprised me, thankfully because I have been given the resources and time to do the tests and verifications needed, so when I speak about them I am absolutely certain of it, all of us in the field should be the same.

Clinical experience, laboratory experience and studies put together as one are what tell the story, not hearsay, vast reports, findings from manufacturers or anyone that has a stake in what they say, it just can’t be that way anymore. I have been guilty of this in the past but I will not be guilty again and I urge all of you out there  to do the same, perhaps not for us or today, but for the future and for all those that will need this modality in their lives.

Do you think I get many comments...?

And here is something I will send to all Medical Ozone Therapists soon...

An Open Letter

I am writing this email to you in an attempt to open a fair discussion between all of us ozonists about the direction of Medical Ozone towards the future. I have put you all in the cc column so that we all know who we are talking to and I would appreciate any discussion or feedback be directed to all others involved. We have created a group called Ozone Therapists on Yahoo, the link to join is It is a closed group and it does not matter what you say, no one is there to judge or pick up on it so let go even if it is directed towards me personally but try to remember the big picture that I am trying to paint. Please try to force yourselves to join even if it is only to listen, you can dictate how messages come to you or not so do our industry a favor and join in.

I truly believe, or would like to, that you all have a passion for what you are doing and as such, have interest in expanding Medical Ozone out of the “fringe therapy” status and having it enter mainstream medicine. However, it has come to my attention that the reason we are at the mercy of those that detract us. This is because we, ourselves are our own enemies. For Medical Ozone to be recognized we must all stop the nonsense and disagreement that surrounds us or we are to perish in the process.

This is not about whose technique is better, safer or more effective, this is about how can we do the best for those that trust our process and honor us with their person and money to do what is needed and correct their maladies. Many of you may be looking on the financial side of this equation and that is OK. For you, if you are understand that what I am going to present, it will benefit you more than anything else. As for the rest of you, if you truly care about that patient that comes in and trusts you to do your job and do it well, you should be out there looking at any possible therapeutical concept with the intent to better yourselves and the Medical Ozone field. If we do not do this, we are no better than the ones that are trying to silence us, we have to be better, we do not have the finances nor do we have the capability to do what they do, so we must do it smarter.

We, our companies and members here in Malaysia and this part of the world are at least one thousand strong; This was not an easy task to achieve; it has taken ten years and many fortunes to establish and maintain and I go forward in an attempt to better all of us that is my mantra. It has now come time that I seek your help and support, you will benefit from this as well because as I said we have to come together in unison. We have to help each other…

There are many things that need to be addressed, our main concern at this point is that many of you are not aware of what we do here, EBOO SAFE and not knowing brings you to a place where you tend to discredit the science, this is wrong for all of us, it leads to a lack of trust in the marketplace.  How are those innocent masses able to trust ozone therapy when they receive conflicting information? Should you want to learn what we do I beseech you to open your hearts and minds and ask, I will give you any answer you want, some are proprietary and I am not able to disclose them, but most can be quickly answered and if I do not know I will certainly get an answer for you.

We have established a magazine about Medical Ozone, some of you are aware of it, others may not be, this will help us all and here’s how. First, we will put anyone in the magazine that submits a well written article about their experience or method or any other thing that has to do with our trade. This will not only get you noticed but will validate Medical Ozone as a true therapy. The articles that come from our side will be technical in nature but will explain Medical Ozone to the general public and the true power that can come from using it. We also have a section in the upcoming issue that will allow for ads that will cost $30 and up depending on size. I think that there is no one that deals with ozone that would not be able to afford this and that will not benefit from the same.

This magazine is now reaching a distribution of about 10, 000 world-wide and since it is not an average magazine, it is being sought after by many distributors. It is relatively inexpensive and it is full of information that common folk do not have access to. In the coming months we are to be featured in the iTunes Store. There are over 500 million smart phones out there and a projection that is to hit 1.3 Billion by 2015. The sales of i Pads occur at one every 2.3 seconds and on and on. This is the right place and time for us to gather our grass roots movement; with these kinds of numbers it is a no-brainer to understand the possibilities. Once digital, we open up another world of magazines as we can highlight videos, create links and practically do anything we want as we are not chained to just print issues. You can all be a part of this and in my opinion, should be.

Maybe all this will fall on deaf ears, I have no idea, maybe your egos do not want you to be part of a team and work together, maybe you have had bad meetings with others in ozone or maybe you just don’t care. That’s fine but if you truly want this to work and truly want your chosen field to be recognized and given the respect that it deserves, you must first respect all those involved in it, whether you agree with them or not and come together for a common cause. Set aside your differences, egos  and insecurities,  open your hearts and minds to the possibilities that I have presented to you, just think clearly for one moment and you will understand the logic and direction I am trying to get across. Make your voice and views be heard, think smart, never ever give up, we can do this but we must do it together, there is no other way!

So, those are my attempts at bringing us together, what do you think, will it work?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Time But Long Enough!

OK, so here I am in Malaysia, what a wonderful place, peaceful, happy, progressive, cheap and really a place where all the toils of society are barely existent. Strange that this place is not disturbed by all that is going on in the world, but that's how it is here. Yes, I know it's not Paradise but what is, really? We all have to come where we are most comfortable and I found the West to be lacking in certain characteristics, mostly honesty!

People in the West truly believe that they understand democracy and truly believe they practice it, their eyes are not open to reality, poor sheeple that they are! I guess that's why I couldn't fit in. I started to study the origin of Common Law where true democracy was established, looked around and started to see without rose colored glasses on. What beauty and consideration the origin entailed, it was equal and fair for all, enslavement was not considered, force was not included, real freedom was the order, sigh...It was disturbing, even more talking to others, yes,discontent was everywhere but no one was willing to really do anything, they all had their reasons. Mostly too overworked, taxed and medicated to care or have time to even listen let alone take action.

My father brought us to North America to be free and to build because at that time, work was rewarded, money was plenty, it was a prosperous time, well, that in my opinion is all over and we were the fools we trusted that Government would protect us, no we fear them, you disagree, wait till the tax people send you a letter, what do you feel, not warm and fuzzy I bet. So forced Western Medicine, forced taxes, forced rules, vaccines, GMO food, the list goes on, naw you stay I am going somewhere else...

Came here to Malaysia to expand the use of RHP, Recuirculatory Haemoperfusion. Couldn't fight with the authorities in the West any longer, could not understand their logic, millions of users and hundreds of thousands of documents attesting to the validity of Medical Ozone yet they still will not even look, mind boggling! What will it take, every other country that does not take from the US is ready and willing to not only use Medical Ozone but encourages it. Maybe not openly because we never know who is listening but under the carpet and between friends, why not, they have used it and can attest to its splendor.

So, there's the rub as they say, how do we get the West or rather the world to stand up and take notice, We are trained seals for the pharmaceuticals and now we are apparently being trained by the internet to assume that there are other ways to treat every disorder. Every bean, leaf, twig and bark has a property to alleviate something so it tells us. What quantity, what purity, what method still is left unknown however. Again we become minions, not to the pharmaceuticals but to the others , the anti-pharmaceuticals that promise us a safer, less damaging product.

Who is there to believe, what if it doesn't work, what is the long term affect, not enough in your diet, not potent enough, not live enough, not stable enough, not pure enough, not bio-available enough, not this, not that. Really, it is no wonder we are confused as a race? We dump vitamins inside ourselves hoping to be fixed and some are, but why, it is really because the science works or is it placebo? Hell, I have seen faith healers do wonders to some, why should I not believe that a pill made of extract from bat guano might do just as good. Then the issue becomes clear, what are our responsibilities as patients...?

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Beginning

The decision to create this blog was made due to the interest in Medical Ozone Therapy, which has increased in the past ten years and also as a means to distribute information as to the reality of Medical Ozone. I believe Medical Ozone Therapy has been perverted by not only the media and government but also those involved with it. I have watched it's progress and have seen many involved in it's use change it from a noteworthy therapeutic process to that of a mystical process that needs to be left only to those with credentials and degrees, not so and this blog will try to explain why.

First the disclaimer:

There is no Medical advice here, nothing is stated or implied, I am using my right of free speech and only quoting from my observations, opinions and deductions. What you do with this information is completely up to you as it is put here for educational purposes only. I will not in any way assume any responsibility for what you do with it. It is not up to me to tell you what you should believe or not believe I am merely stating what I believe to be true, in my humble opinion. Please act responsibly and consult with who you chose to consult with before attempting to use this information, however I will also state that in a free and democratic society you are allowed to do what you like as long as it does not intrude in the livelihood of others. This is a blog for information and discussion ONLY, nothing less and nothing more.

My sites are as follows:

Alternate #1
Alternate #2
Alternate #3

The main information site that I have is and is full of information regarding the use of oxygen therapies, has an on-board search engine making it easy to access all info regarding these therapies quickly and conveniently.

I also have a group at Yahoo Groups by the name of Medical Ozone Therapy, should you wish to discuss, share, scream, rant or whatever you like, it is not moderated and completely free of any rules enabling anyone to say whatever they like, a true example of the process of freedom of speech.

My personal story or at least the last five years or so is on under My Story and at this point I would also like to say that I am not a medical doctor nor do I have any degrees under my belt in the conventional sense. I call myself Professor Ozone as a name and name only, do not mistake it for anything else, if you do, assume the responsibility of that action as I will not in any way, shape or form as it is my right to do so. I do not believe that one needs to succumb to the brainwashing (more on this later) that takes place in our schools of Medicine. They are sanctioned by the Governmental organizations to conduct healing if and only if they comply to the regulations set out by the pharmaceutical and governmental regulations that are based on commerce and not the true science of health and longevity. This mode of thinking once instilled in our junior doctors is so detrimental to their trade that in my opinion, it takes eons before they come to realize that this does not work and it is only then that they search out and find other modes of healing far better than the ones they know.
