Showing posts with label Ozone Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ozone Therapy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Real Goods On Medical Ozone Therapy

This time I think we need to focus more on the topic of  patients and their therapy. Please note that I am in no way making any claims, this is a blog and my opinion only...

We are all, at least in my opinion a walking disease factory and as such do need to take care of ourselves if we are ever to live to see the fruits of both our labor and our life on earth. The decision that every one of us has to make however is how we want to reach that golden age. Do we hobble into it or do we walk gracefully through, the eternal question?

This is or rather should be the topic of discussion in many circles and it is beyond my comprehension why it is not. For me, I would take being able to live a life of enjoyment through my old age instead of one in pain and suffering should be a no-brainer, yet I find most do not even start to think of this very important fact until they have a disorder that they can't control or a pain they can't get rid of.

What is it that you are thinking of? What is it that takes you away from your thoughts about your future years and leads you into a valley of despair? Do you not understand that each day you age is a day that you will never regain?

Many times I am forced to say no to people that want to come for ozone therapy because "It is just too late!" the form of Medical Science that we deal with is powerful I must admit but it does have it's limitations just like anything in life, there is a time when the body is in such a state that it is virtually impossible to bring it back. Yes, I know there are many on the internet that will tell you different, they promise you that you will feel like your were seventeen again, hogwash! The only way that you can feel that way is you are really seventeen and that only if you are a healthy seventeen and the way things are going I do not believe the seventeens are healthy anymore. Between fast food, booze and all the other vices, they are doomed to live older than they should and this is a travesty forced on us by the same idiots that run the drugs, look it up they are all in it together and tied in one neat package from our birth to our death, they control what we do and what we consume, but that's another story.

Anyway, what I want to get to is patient expectation, what do patients want, what is it really that is important in Medical Care, I am really confused about this. Many times, I receive patients and find that their expectations are a bit off the wall, they do not come to heal, they seem to come for various other reasons. Really, what is it that patients want and expect? I have changed the way I focus on communication for this very fact and have instead tried to clear the expectations before hand. Clearing the air so that all of us are in sync is paramount to any service group.

What I want to tell you now is the least we can do so that you can answer a question for me, why are people not beating the doors of Government to have this type of Medical Ozone Therapy as standard care in any hospital? Why are our Medical Ozone Generators not a part of every hospital and clinic? I do not want to get too technical and for those that need that type of thing feel free to contact me at, I will attempt to answer anything you need and if I can't I will get an answer to you rather quickly.

Our Specialized form of Ozone Therapies has the ability to clear all plaque and debris both from the circulatory system and the blood in any person that we do it on, anyone!. Did you hear that? Do you all understand the beauty of this? What this means is that any sort of garbage that you have managed to stuff down your gullet and collect with your filters in your whole system can be extracted by our form of Ozone Therapy. The ramifications of this one statement are nothing less than mind-blowing for anyone that has the capacity to think and understand what I am saying. This is just the tip of the iceberg, imagine if you will what that would mean to have clean blood, clear arteries, veins and capillaries, even the ones in your brain, yes brain, because Medical Ozone has proved in science time and time again to have the ability to pass the blood-brain barrier, something the mainstream medical drugs can't do. Ozone has the ability to even penetrate the bone marrow and encourage the growth of stem cells, yep, stem cells! This is the secret folks, this is the way things resolve in the human condition, are you getting this?

Cells repair occurs naturally because cells have the space to unload their garbage and that means that they become fresh and new, unchained from their constant fight for survival in that ever increasing toxic sludge we call blood. Look at the many pictures and videos that I have up, goes in dark brown or black comes our cherry red, this does not just mean it is oxygenated it means that it is as well cleaned. My blood now is practically the same color as it comes out but then I have maybe done this form of Medical Ozone Therapy over seven hundred times.

Now I do want to put up a bit of a disclaimer and only to say that we are all different and have many situations that require consistent work to resolve while others of us are in fact, quite easy, but this is something that in no way can be predicted until a full analysis is done and the therapy has started. You see, it is very hard to restrict Medical Ozone and have it do what you want it to exactly, it is an all around killer of anything foreign and there is no way on earth that someone can tell you the exact composition and location of all foreign bodies in your system, no matter what you read on the internet. Think logically, how would that be possible. Maybe Star Trek had the answer but not now, it is impossible. No one can predict that, no one, no matter how elaborate their machine or spirit or mind is!

So, to sum up what I am trying to say here is that there is a way to enhance what it is that keeps you alive for those that are not sick, there is a way for those that are slightly sick to get better and there is a way for those that are very sick to get better, do not be fooled by doctors that tell you different, they just do not know, not because they are stupid but because they are not opening their minds to the possibility of this incredible and unique form of Medical Ozone Therapy. Forever I remind doctors that by choice of profession they are scientists and they need to start behaving like scientists and not caretakers. We are not machines that need to be oiled and greased we are much more complex than that and the beauty of the way we maintain our health is in the fact that we can recover from anything that ails us, given the right tools and support, unless of course "It is too late!".

Monday, April 09, 2012

The Funny World Of Medicine

Whoa! That last post yesterday did not go over too well with some. Apparently I hit a few buttons and received, let's just say some interesting feedback. So, since it seemed to have caught the attention of some let me expand a bit on how it is and what I believe.

First, let me explain the moniker I use that is Professor Ozone since most seem to be offended by it and tell me that I do not deserve the title as I am not an educated person. What is education really, have we not had enough of educated and those that believe they are so destroying humanity and Medicine. It has been 150 years of so called Modern Medicine and we are in worse shape than we were before. More disease, more suffering, more drugs, more deaths. I put to you that if this is what education brings, why would I want to be a part of it?

The shaman and healers of the old days and even now are not educated people, they are people with ambition, a desire to help those that are suffering and most of all self taught in their arts. Well, certainly they had to follow some pattern but it was not the pattern of the Rothschild Medical System and the Drug Barons, this would have perverted their thinking and basically made them a slave to those corporations. How many times have I heard doctors confess to me that they would love to go Alternative but their respective Physicians Associations would yank their license with joy, if the FDA police did not barge down their doors and arrest them first.

So, this is what has become of us, we are pawns when we suffer through what is it now, seven long years of Medical School only to be in servitude, does that really seem the right course to take? Anybody in their right mind would stay away from that and many, like myself, have. I am self-taught, I have studied what I know for about, let me see, at least 17 years now. Out of that 17 years I have been involved in clinical research for at least 6 - 7 years. Do you not think this would make me suited for what I do, apparently not, it seems that at first i must get a degree to do anything with the public,how ridiculous is that? In my opinion, the only thing that I can say is, I never professed to be a professor in the strict term, come now, if I did I would be called Professor Jovanovic and not "Professor Ozone" as the moniker states.

So, you guys that have an issue with my use of the term, chill out it's just a name, why does it concern you that much, you have degrees up on your wall, hang them up and and be proud that you have achieved what you have, but understand to be proud of something you have to be free to enjoy it, are you, can you do what you think is best for the patient, can you look into and use whatever means are at your disposal to treat human beings that are suffering, I think not!

I wear my moniker proudly, I may not be able to treat patients as you would but at least I can take those that are sick of the system and show them a better and safer way to treat humanity without drugs or surgical intervention. Even better, when you are stumped as to what you can do with a particular disease, say like Lyme , herpes, candida or severe coronary  issues to name a few and all with ozone therapy. I can show you an efficient method that has been used for 15 years to treat these conditions with success. All you need to do is open your mind to possibility and stop listening and doing what the machine wants you to do. Go on, liberate yourself and understand what freedom really means...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Reach Out To All Alternative Medicine Practicioners

Let me welcome you all and say that you are all appreciated. 

Many of you are aware and know that we have now started a magazine called Healthy Living With Ozone, this magazine is being published by a Non-Profit organization in Malaysia, translated it is The Organization of Medical Ozone Physicians Malaysia,  and it is at the heart of all Ozone therapy activity in this part of Asia.

Their mandate is to have ozone therapy accepted as a Medical modality through the extremely tedious processes within the government, so far there have been no issues and it looks promising. The other mandates are of course to help the needy and those that need help. They have purchased a new ambulance for those that cannot afford to pay for one. Much of this information will be in the magazine and also on the upcoming website. There is a lot more in the works.

We, in Malaysia believe that the magazine itself will be a helpful tool to all Alternative Therapists in the world as it will in print form give us all credibility. We also believe that it will be a tool that you can all use to inform the public as to what it is that you are doing in your particular field of Alternative therapy as well as create an up-to-date directory for Alternative therapists and their clinics.

We are in the process going digital, so hopefully soon we will be in the iTunes marketplace for all to see and download, this will give us access to about 500 million people. We are not thinking that many will, of course, view but the possibility of this is enormous and all of you can be a part of this.

My reason for this message is simple, we need you to partner with us and help to better our magazine, yourselves and Alternative Therapy in general. We will publish ads for a very low price in our magazine; I have had suggestions about placing credit card sized ads or like a classified column in the magazine. This will all be low cost of course, for those that wish a full page ad we will do the artwork for you and can quote you a price when you decide what size you would like. The second issue will be out mid-June so time is running out. Incidentally, we have managed to circulate about 6500 magazines on the first issue alone and internationally, I might add.

It would be absolutely amazing if you would all buy a place in this magazine to start it off on the right foot. Once we go digital all these ads will as well have a link to your site and email, this will increase your ranking in both Google and the web so really think about this. 

Let me end by saying that we also welcome your submissions to the magazine, we want you to write about what you are doing, theories, success stories and whatever else you think should be in a magazine about Alternative Therapy because this magazine is meant for all of us, so please send whatever you like, but remember we need a written authorization from  you saying that we can publish your writing and also a head shot and small bio to include in our publication. Feel free to contact me at

As always, suggestions and comments are welcome…

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why Can't We Just Get Along?

Of late, I have had deep thoughts about the future and how it is shaping out. I have kids, they are 8 and 3 now, so I look and think what will the world that I have brought them into lead to, what will it be like?

So much of today is set out so that we are at each others throats surviving so that we can buy food for our families, what have they done to us to make us this way, we were at one time happy, I remember the 70's and 80's it was a time of peace and joy, the worse thing that would happen was you would get some bad acid and freak out but all in all it was a quiet time of progress, where did it all go? How did we let it get this way?

Anyway, this is not a political post so let me get on with it. In my field of ozone therapy I see the same type of thing. I see almost all ozonists out there fighting with each other for that little bit of whatever they receive whether it be glory of finances, not understanding that this is the way of conditioning, this is how we are weak. Pin us against each other, make it so we do not agree, make it so we squabble, inflate our egos so we do not want to work with each other, that's the trick you know, that's the behavior that stops us from, progress in all fields and not just in Medical Ozone Therapy.

It was a glorious thing this internet we had thought what better way to get the word out to the masses, we thought. What we did not understand is that it was just another method to have us believe what they wanted us to and to have a tool for us to use against each other. So we put up our ads, we put up our hearts in words we proudly showed our work for all to see. Look, look at this marvel of science that has been around for at least 100 years. This is not just ozone but Medical Ozone, look! But wait, why are they mocking me, why are they saying those things, why are they disagreeing with me? There it was, the purpose, now we are just pawns in the game again.

Here is a post that I did on a forum I run...What we see is that this Medical ozone thing has been handled wrong for a long time, too much too soon, I think it is time that it became organized and smart. Many have attempted to do ozone in many different ways without actually understanding it fully, I get amazed at the lack of understanding with physicians and others in the field. They at times believe that a weekend course is enough or that one year of working with it is enough or that testing in laboratory settings is enough to make them knowledgeable. These are the ones that have put this therapy in jeopardy and they need to understand that this is far more complex and as such needs detail and attention. Enough has been done to slander Medical ozone, let alone those that have made it their reason in life to make it a true Medical Modality.

We will be going forward in our mandate to do this and I ask you all to participate in this, in whatever way you can, obviously the only thing that you can do is support us, by purchasing the magazine Healthy Living With Ozone, is one way. The next issue will answer a lot of questions that I have been asked and some answers will certainly surprise you, whether you believe of course will be up to you. There is a reason for this magazine other than its importance to those that want info, a much bigger reason, it is only the beginning.

By viewing the videos on You Tube that I put out but not just yourselves we need you to tell your friends, neighbors and relatives. We do not need everyone to believe what we are doing or even trust that we know what we are doing, that will come in proof shortly but now we need everyone to band together and be united.

I see that there is another group out there on ozone, won’t mention it because most of you are on it from the posts that I see, yet I never see any cross-posting or any questions that are relevant to Medical ozone and I do see a lot of bashing of personalities in ozone therapy that have done much for this modality, this is the point, how can we ever be a united force if we keep bashing each other, posting opinions against beliefs is a different story. All this gets picked up by Google and all can see that we are just people with no sense of direction, how are we ever to be taken seriously by that conduct.

Truth telling is again different as well, there have been many factors that I have found out about ozone since my time in Malaysia that have surprised me, thankfully because I have been given the resources and time to do the tests and verifications needed, so when I speak about them I am absolutely certain of it, all of us in the field should be the same.

Clinical experience, laboratory experience and studies put together as one are what tell the story, not hearsay, vast reports, findings from manufacturers or anyone that has a stake in what they say, it just can’t be that way anymore. I have been guilty of this in the past but I will not be guilty again and I urge all of you out there  to do the same, perhaps not for us or today, but for the future and for all those that will need this modality in their lives.

Do you think I get many comments...?

And here is something I will send to all Medical Ozone Therapists soon...

An Open Letter

I am writing this email to you in an attempt to open a fair discussion between all of us ozonists about the direction of Medical Ozone towards the future. I have put you all in the cc column so that we all know who we are talking to and I would appreciate any discussion or feedback be directed to all others involved. We have created a group called Ozone Therapists on Yahoo, the link to join is It is a closed group and it does not matter what you say, no one is there to judge or pick up on it so let go even if it is directed towards me personally but try to remember the big picture that I am trying to paint. Please try to force yourselves to join even if it is only to listen, you can dictate how messages come to you or not so do our industry a favor and join in.

I truly believe, or would like to, that you all have a passion for what you are doing and as such, have interest in expanding Medical Ozone out of the “fringe therapy” status and having it enter mainstream medicine. However, it has come to my attention that the reason we are at the mercy of those that detract us. This is because we, ourselves are our own enemies. For Medical Ozone to be recognized we must all stop the nonsense and disagreement that surrounds us or we are to perish in the process.

This is not about whose technique is better, safer or more effective, this is about how can we do the best for those that trust our process and honor us with their person and money to do what is needed and correct their maladies. Many of you may be looking on the financial side of this equation and that is OK. For you, if you are understand that what I am going to present, it will benefit you more than anything else. As for the rest of you, if you truly care about that patient that comes in and trusts you to do your job and do it well, you should be out there looking at any possible therapeutical concept with the intent to better yourselves and the Medical Ozone field. If we do not do this, we are no better than the ones that are trying to silence us, we have to be better, we do not have the finances nor do we have the capability to do what they do, so we must do it smarter.

We, our companies and members here in Malaysia and this part of the world are at least one thousand strong; This was not an easy task to achieve; it has taken ten years and many fortunes to establish and maintain and I go forward in an attempt to better all of us that is my mantra. It has now come time that I seek your help and support, you will benefit from this as well because as I said we have to come together in unison. We have to help each other…

There are many things that need to be addressed, our main concern at this point is that many of you are not aware of what we do here, EBOO SAFE and not knowing brings you to a place where you tend to discredit the science, this is wrong for all of us, it leads to a lack of trust in the marketplace.  How are those innocent masses able to trust ozone therapy when they receive conflicting information? Should you want to learn what we do I beseech you to open your hearts and minds and ask, I will give you any answer you want, some are proprietary and I am not able to disclose them, but most can be quickly answered and if I do not know I will certainly get an answer for you.

We have established a magazine about Medical Ozone, some of you are aware of it, others may not be, this will help us all and here’s how. First, we will put anyone in the magazine that submits a well written article about their experience or method or any other thing that has to do with our trade. This will not only get you noticed but will validate Medical Ozone as a true therapy. The articles that come from our side will be technical in nature but will explain Medical Ozone to the general public and the true power that can come from using it. We also have a section in the upcoming issue that will allow for ads that will cost $30 and up depending on size. I think that there is no one that deals with ozone that would not be able to afford this and that will not benefit from the same.

This magazine is now reaching a distribution of about 10, 000 world-wide and since it is not an average magazine, it is being sought after by many distributors. It is relatively inexpensive and it is full of information that common folk do not have access to. In the coming months we are to be featured in the iTunes Store. There are over 500 million smart phones out there and a projection that is to hit 1.3 Billion by 2015. The sales of i Pads occur at one every 2.3 seconds and on and on. This is the right place and time for us to gather our grass roots movement; with these kinds of numbers it is a no-brainer to understand the possibilities. Once digital, we open up another world of magazines as we can highlight videos, create links and practically do anything we want as we are not chained to just print issues. You can all be a part of this and in my opinion, should be.

Maybe all this will fall on deaf ears, I have no idea, maybe your egos do not want you to be part of a team and work together, maybe you have had bad meetings with others in ozone or maybe you just don’t care. That’s fine but if you truly want this to work and truly want your chosen field to be recognized and given the respect that it deserves, you must first respect all those involved in it, whether you agree with them or not and come together for a common cause. Set aside your differences, egos  and insecurities,  open your hearts and minds to the possibilities that I have presented to you, just think clearly for one moment and you will understand the logic and direction I am trying to get across. Make your voice and views be heard, think smart, never ever give up, we can do this but we must do it together, there is no other way!

So, those are my attempts at bringing us together, what do you think, will it work?