Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fresh, Clean Water Anytime, Anywhere

The thought of having clean fresh drinking water has always been a dilemma. I know that even in my field it is of utmost importance when I am creating ozonated water for our patients and families to consume. I can never be certain of the source, bottled or any water I buy or use cannot be trusted as a reliable source, even the media agrees with that statement and they have now started talking about it everywhere.
We are all in a dilemma when it comes to having pure, fresh and clean drinking water for our needs. Most supplies around the world are contaminated and we have been forced to consume bottled water. Recently we have found out that this water is as well, unreliable. The bottles are a major issue due to their  disposal and how it affects the environment. Even the bottles, unless made of glass are a potential danger to your health no matter if they are BPA free or not. These bottles are distributed in open trucks and in extreme temperatures or held in storage facilities without temperature control. Scientists have noted that at 84 degrees Fahrenheit these bottles release toxins some of which are xenoestrogens  or mimicking estrogens. These toxic by-products have been related to breast cancer and many other diseases and disorders.

It has been reported that many bottled water companies lie as well about the purity and quality of their water and since it is impossible to check, bottled water goes out unregulated and is basically the same as tap water if not worse.
There are some ethical companies that produce real, pure bottled water, we have one in Malaysia with our Ozpure water but again the issue is that water is very difficult to ship across continents due to the cost. Just take a look at Avian water and it’s cost. To produce the same water in another country the start-up cost would be astronomical. Most people would not be able to burden that cost. Even if they did, it would be a long time before they would see any profit from their sales and distribution. This would also make the water prohibitively expensive to most of us.
So what’s the answer, well, really it is quite obvious, take the aspect of having pure, clean water in your own hands. It is the only way that we can be certain that the water we drink and feed our families is as it states. Certainly there are filters and gadgets that one can put into their homes to ensure the quality of their drinking water but again the expense really is more than most can shoulder. 
What if I told you that you could have all this in your hands at a fraction of the price that it costs to buy bottled water and that you could take water from any source and easily convert it to clean, fresh, pure drinking water? Yes, any source! You could travel with this in those countries where water is undrinkable and feel safe drinking it. It takes only a few seconds to do. So whether it be Mexico or Bali, just take it from the tap and drink it. Whether hiking in the mountains or in the jungle, any water source is usable with this method.

Click on the link below and see a video of what I did with swamp water. Start making water for yourself instead of depending on others to do it for you, take the power into your own hands and make your own fresh, pure, clean drinking water. There is no down side to this. If you follow what I have been trying to explain to you, not only will you have fresh, clean and pure drinking water in your own hands, at any time but you will also save the environment from those plastic bottles that do so much damage. It is our planet and we need to do what we can to help in its preservation. Take the power back in your own hands!

Click here for more and video... Global Water Project 

Or take a look at this video that I did with my kids....

Saturday, October 20, 2012

More Truth In Medical Ozone Therapy-Epilogue

I am deeply touched at the outpouring of concern and interest in the last blog about my illness and my fight to resolve it. I want to update you all on what happened, and how I was brought back to good health. It was a scary experience for me, and one that I will not forget. As you may have read in this post here , I quite suddenly became dangerously ill, and it was discovered that I had a large abscess in my spleen. At that point, I was given the choice of surgical intervention to aspirate the bacteria causing it, or to  go on heavy antibiotics. Ozone Therapy was not an option as sepsis was already occurring and we had to move fast. While ozone therapy is the best form of therapy, as far as I am concerned, it would have been too slow, in this particular situation. Time was running out and my blood tests indicated a grave issue.

I was put on four grams of broad spectrum antibiotics, which is quite heavy when you consider a normal dose is 250-500 milligrams for infections. To say that I felt sick from all the antibiotics would be an understatement. I lost considerable weight and could not function or move without gasping for breath; this went on for about a month until my next ultrasound. When the test came in that my spleen had shrunk, we immediately started using RHP Ozone Therapy  and Major Autohemotherapy.

Most of you know what RHP is, but for those who do not, it is well explained on Major Autohemotherapy is a process where you extract about 200-250 mls. of blood into a bag and add medical ozone to it at a normal concentration. You then mix the two and return the blood to the patient. With me, however, we did it differently. We did take out about 200mls. of blood, but we mixed it with 250mls. of medical ozone at a concentration of 100 mg/l (which is pretty high), and we did it three times a day for two weeks. This would mean that I was absorbing 750mls of ozone at a concentration of 100 mg/l a day.

Even with such high doses, the change did not occur instantly, which is the point I want to make in this post. It took awhile for us to see the results of our efforts,  but, certainly and surely, in two weeks we saw the difference, both in me and my blood profile. Everything was coming back to normal, I looked like myself again, I felt wonderful, and my health was restored,. Of course this was by no means a scientific test, and it was not meant to be one, but I think it is important to report the facts of my recovery as I witnessed it.

One must be clear and understand the process involved with ozone therapy. Ozone is a gas that is absorbed by the haem of the blood (or red blood cell). It then creates a number of subspecies and chemical reactions in the body. More on this at for those of you that are interested in reading about it. These reactions, although intense, need time to change the parameters of the blood,  lymph fluids, and tissues, etc, which isn't always obvious immediately.

At times, people have argued with me about this; swearing that they have felt something. Ozone does enhance serotonin levels in the brain giving a feeling of euphoria, it eats fat and  sugar,  and also opens up blood vessels. As a result, the average person will feel some positive things in their body, however, these are transient. Actually changing the disease state takes time to occur. If you are not willing to be patient and allow ozone therapy to do its job do not choose it as a therapy. The time it takes is different for all of us and depends on the person, the disease and the progression of the disease; please be clear on this.  I can guarantee you, however, that if you give it time, and have a well-trained Ozone Therapist doing the job, you will be more than satisfied at the outcome.

I want to make the point again that Alternative Therapies and Ozone Therapy do not need to be the only choices in your health regimen. Integrating the two, so that they work together (as we did with my illness and recovery), should be considered.

Your goal is recovery, right? I encourage you to be wise and consider all your options, and use all the tools available to you to help yourself stay alive. Certainly if I, Professor Ozone, chose to forgo ozone therapy as a the sole solution for my emergency health challenge, you can also consider all your options for healing, and do what is right, for you, to get yourself back to good health.

I know that I am repeating myself, but I really want to get the point across that in some cases it can be dangerous, or life threatening, to not make use of allopathic options. There are many ways to conquer disease, and many modalities that can and should be used to do this. Please for the love of all of us listen to what I am saying and do what is necessary to cure yourself of the diseases inside you. Do not listen to either camp when they bash the other, find the guy that talks about both and is willing to use all known therapies to help you regain your health.

If you have any questions or comments, please speak up regarding this very important topic.

The next blog post will be back to normal. Be watching for it, as I have some interesting developments to talk about. Till then...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More Truth In Medical Ozone Therapy

Been away for a while so did not have time to post about anything. Decided to take my family to Kenya to meet their relatives, you see, my wife is of Kenyan decent and has a huge family there. It was also the place where I was fortunate enough to start my work with Medical Ozone Therapy. It was the place where I met my wife, in a pharmacy. She was a pharmacist there and I needed to purchase medication on a regular basis . . .  even more so when I set eyes on her obvious beauty, but that's another story.

The reason I tell you this is because when I came back from Kenya with my kids, my wife had decided to stay for another two weeks. I was not feeling quite well. I had at first thought it was from the excitement of the trip and all that travelling with two kids in tow, and of course I would have jet lag and a bit of exhaustion, so it was something expected and I would get over it.

The day after my trip I went to pick up my dog from the veterinarian where he was being housed while we were away. Only about five or so yards from our clinic  I had a very bad feeling set over me and decided to return to the ozone clinic.  Upon entering I found myself very breathless and kind of woozy so I sat down. I could hear our manager at the clinic talking to me but I really could not make out what she was saying, as if I was in a trance and about to go to sleep. Still trying to catch my breath and keep myself together I could see all sorts of commotion around me, a bit scary at first, but really I didn't think much of it. I was ushered to a bed and made to lay down.

After a while, I had found out that my blood pressure was 90/60 and my pulse was 130. For someone of my size and height, this was of course very alarming, so they immediately started to give me IV fluids in an effort to stabilize me. This worked and my blood pressure came up to an acceptable range, and my pulse came down, but not much. I needed rest I thought, and it seemed like I was very dehydrated.

The next day I noticed that even the slightest movement would make me go breathless, and I immediately made an appointment with a very skilled Cardiologist friend of ours to see what it was that was going on. After tests and scans, we had found that there were a host of issues, my blood profile was a bit alarming and the CT scan showed that I had a large abscess in my spleen, somewhat of a rare disorder but very deadly. We immediately set out to do what was necessary, which was to be 4 grams of broad spectrum antibiotics a day for three days, another 2 grams of antibiotics per day for another three days, and then 1000 mg. per day for three weeks.

Why am I telling you this story? It is very simple. I have wanted to write for a long time about the fact that it is not always right to choose alternative therapies with every problem that we encounter. Sometimes it is necessary to use pharmaceuticals first and then choose alternatives. The question of course that I had been given was, why did you not use Medical Ozone Therapy for your abscess? Well, Medical Ozone as powerful as it is, does not have the capability to get rid of this type of abscess as fast as antibiotics do. Since there was an urgent need that we could not satisfy without pharmaceutical intervention, we chose antibiotics. This is exactly the point that I am trying to make.

In this medical world of ours there are many modalities that can be used and many disorders that need to be treated, along with that, there are many variations in humans and it is never one treatment, or therapeutic principle, that will benefit all. Life does not work that way, and certainly Medical Science does not work that way. We must really come out of this either conventional or alternative, either carnivore or vegetarian mentality. This is not what it is about, it is about taking all into consideration and working on what is best for you, specifically and individually.

Though I am dedicated to the promotion of Ozone Therapies as one of the safest and most potent healing options available today, I also recognize that some individuals are unable to do MOT, and, as a result, other options must be considered, or other factors corrected, before ozone can be done. And in some cases, pharmaceuticals might be beneficial/needed.

There is nothing wrong with this line of thinking and any skilled doctor or practitioner should embrace it as it is probably a lot easier to make a person not only feel better but get to a state of health much faster than with and either or mentality. We are in a world where it seems that every modality has its own team fighting against the other. Alternative practitioners against pharmaceuticals, naturalists against conventionals, vegetarians against meat eaters. I sit back and ask myself why?

In my opinion, the answer is not in one or the other, the true answer is in all of it together. We must, for the sake of all that are sick and diseased, come together and use whatever means are at our disposal to cure the ills of mankind. We must all stop thinking that the way we know is the best, because we really do not know, there are more things to learn and more possibilities to examine. I have said this time and time again. My journey in the healing arts started about twenty years ago and every day I learn something new. Sometimes, what I learn shakes the foundation that my thinking was built upon and I have to re-evaluate.

The true calling to heal is not about a closed mind, it is about an open mind to accept all that we have on this planet.  There is much to learn, and even though we have found ways to tackle some of the major illnesses that exist, there will always be more and there will always be better. It has been that way since the beginning.

I encourage you to explore new thoughts, look at all options, do not be afraid of any modality that brings about a change in your thinking. It just may be the right one for you and may save your life or that of a loved one. Do not let financial gain, or stubborn thoughts, or what someone else taught you get in the way. I did not and that is why I am alive today and able to write this to you...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Debate, "Ozone Therapy" or "Medical Ozone Therapy"!

This one sentence above has been on my mind for a long time now so I want to write about it. It is of great concern of mine that the issue of ozone therapy is taken seriously not only by the media who, for the most part ignores the whole issue completely, but as well by the general public, all those scientists, medicos and professors as well. So, listen up all of you, even the ones in the Health Ministries, I know you read this blog, so listen up...! What I am referring to today is the whole concept of the terms, "ozone therapy" and Medical Ozone Therapy", am I the only person that has a problem with these terms? What are all the professors and highly skilled surgeons and doctors, etc.. thinking, why would you use the term "ozone therapy" when clearly it should be described as "medical ozone therapy"? Think for a minute, if one wants to distinguish medical ozone from environmental ozone would it not be prudent to give it a different name?

The mistake that we all tend to make now is to call it ozone. Immediately you get people looking up at the sky, thinking ozone hole, ozone smog and anything to do with environmental ozone. Negatives and doom and gloom pour into their heads and they either change the topic or look like a deer that has seen headlights. But that's not all, not only will people that have no former knowledge of this wonderful therapeutic marvel be confused but you tend to confuse all those that you introduce to on the idea, including, doctors, scientists, scholars of all fields and types. The more educated on environmental ozone, the worse it becomes. You see, we have been conditioned to think about global warming, ozone hole type of ozone but nothing near the fact that there exists a totally unique and different ozone, medically therapeutic ozone! It has absolutely nothing in relation to the ozone in the sky, nothing, it is a combination of toxic gasses and fumes and might as well be called gas soup and not ozone.

Here's an example to make you think. How about the difference between oxygen in the atmosphere and bottled oxygen, if they were the same why would they put a mask on you and make you breathe pure oxygen to get better in an emergency situation? Why would they have oxygen bars dispensing oxygen to those that keep coming back for more? Why would everything oxygen be showing up in anything one can think of oxygenized this and that, bottled, compressed, infused, the list goes on. But, in the same breath one needs a prescription to have medical grade oxygen, does that make it dangerous, well anything too much would be but certainly when used intelligently, a resounding, no! You would assume then, to any person with the inkling of intelligence this would mean something? And in this sense people understand the difference, and why, because it is classified as medical oxygen, that's why! Makes it easy to tell the difference, doesn't it?

Now, I am a great believer of the KISS method, for those that do not understand, that means, "Keep It Simple and Stupid", well, at least that's what I remember it to mean and it does make sense in this crazy information world of ours. There is such a stream of information that we are bombarded with on a day to day basis, the less complicated something becomes, the easier it would be to understand. We really do not have time to hear long drawn out explanations on every little aspect of our lives so we depend on those more learned than us to give us bits, nuggets that we can swallow, so here is one from me, forget "ozone therapy" and think "medical ozone therapy", forget "ozone therapist" and think "medical ozone therapist", forget "ozone generator" and think "medical ozone generator"! In essence, when you hear or read about any ozone being used on humans or animals, or any person doing ozone of any sort on any living thing, just put the word "medical" in front of it so that we, you I and all other people on this planet do not confuse the two terms, simple, huh?

What we need to do is shift our thoughts away from that railroad track that we have been stuck on by the masters so that we can understand more about this world and the wonders that surround us day to day. This is true with the many materials that we encounter in an effort to better humanity. We had thought of alternatives with everyday objects and materials and used them differently with success, sometimes they were better than the original use. I bet if you really think about it you can picture many ingredients, objects, things, etc...with alternate uses, so I won't go through that. Please open your mind to a different reality, one of observation and examination, do not listen to those with vested interest, explore your unknown realities that exist. Should you listen and do this, you will find without doubt there is no object more important to explore for our health and well being than "ozone". But please be correct in your terminology and classify it as what it is, and that would be nothing other than "medical ozone"!