Showing posts with label Ozone Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ozone Therapy. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part Four

Continued from Medical Ozone Therapy Part Three

As you have read, it is a bad state of affairs at this point, surgery was done, quite extensive. I was told that I would have to remain on Warfarin (Rat Poison) for the rest of my life and that  would have a belly full of liquid (Ascites) for eternity that would have to be drained occasionally. As well, I am not able to consume more than 1.5 liters of fluid a day. To add, my portal vein, mesenteric vein and both pulmonary veins were as well blocked or thrombosed. Not to mention the DVT that had occurred long ago. So, here I was, not capable of much movement and feeling like I was pregnant, sloshing when I move due to the amount of fluid in my abdomen. My weight loss was dramatic, before surgery, I was 130 kilos and now I was 87 kilos, a loss of 43 kilos or 94.8 pounds, dramatic to say the least and all in about two or three weeks! It was at about that time that another issue came up.

You see, men when they are boys have testes that are up from their normal place and drop to their normal position when they become men, for that to occur there are holes that the testes fit in, those holes never really close so at times what occurs is that a man can develop an inguinal hernia. Quite simply put, if there is pressure on the abdomen, things can and will fall into that hole, intestines for instance and in my case. So, what happened due to the condition I was in is that as soon as I would get out of bed, my intestines would drop to my scrotum sack for lack of a better explanation. This, as you can imagine was quite uncomfortable and rather painful but again something that I did have to endure. The only solution is surgery and that was certainly out of the question. The fear was that I would strangulate my intestines making surgery inevitable, a stressful time, once again.

Please do understand that I am telling you all this because I do want to be clear about the extent and issues that occurred to me at that time. This by no means was an easy time and one that I certainly would not wish on anyone at any level. I can also tell you that when this does occur it changes you, as some of you already know and you either give in to it or you decide to take matters into your own hands and do something about it. We all have a breaking point and now, more than ever I do understand what patients go through, it's funny how that works...In a sense I am as much grateful for this as I am horrified, scared and confused by it all.

Those of you who know me well would understand my persona, I do not take things lightly and i do not stand by and let things occur. I had at that time decided that enough was enough and began to formulate in my head how I was to solve these issues. The only problem that I could not solve was which issue first. In my practice and work, I know that the human body is very generous in it's ability to heal itself if given the right tools, survival is what the body wants to do. The problem comes when we try to do too many things at once or give it more than it can handle. This I was well aware of and whatever I did I would have to concentrate on what I was trying to achieve and not give the body too many tasks.

Those of you that have been in similar situations know well what occurs first, you reach out to the internet and those that are close to you for help and information. This, at times makes matters worse because, well meaning as they are they give you a plethora of potions and lotions as well as instruments that you should use to put yourself back together. It becomes a huge task just looking and researching the suggestions. Most make the mistake and buy whatever suggestion is given to them, after all it is a life or death proposal so in panic we tend to eat, consume, probe, insert, and do whatever else to try and achieve some semblance of health.

Well, I did not do that. What I did is go back to basics and do some research. The two main issues that I saw were that I had to in some way unblock my veins so that the accumulation of fluid would not continue and the second part was that I had to ensure that the accumulation of fluid did not get out of hand. I ran this issue by my partner and as well by my good friends Robert Rowen and Howard Robins, all had a working knowledge of Western Medicine and Herbal, Alternative or Complementary Medicine. All were as well, leaders in their field on Ozone Therapy or Medical Ozone. The first suggestion was that I do Ozone therapy, well that was a no brainer as Medical Ozone does have the ability to repair and open up vessels as it is a vasodilator, we all agreed to that. The second was that I look into something called Lumbrokinase. Now this one stumped me, what the hell was that. So, off to the internet to search.

What I found was this:

Hwang CM, Kim DI, Huh SH, Min BG, Park JH, Han JS, Lee BB, Kim YI, Ryu ES, Kim JW. "In vivo evaluation of lumbrokinase, a fibrinolytic enzyme extracted from Lumbricus rubellus, in a prosthetic vascular graft." J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2002 Dec;43(6):891-4.
Ji H, Wang L, Bi H, Sun L, Cai B, Wang Y, Zhao J, Du Z. "Mechanisms of lumbrokinase in protection of cerebral ischemia." Eur J Pharmacol. 2008 Aug 20;590(1-3):281-9.

Jin L, Jin H, Zhang G, Xu G. "Changes in coagulation and tissue plasminogen activator after the treatment of cerebral infarction with lumbrokinase." Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2000;23(2-4):213-8.

Kasim M, Kiat AA, Rohman MS, Hanifah Y, Kiat H. "Improved myocardial perfusion in stable angina pectoris by oral lumbrokinase: a pilot study." J Altern Complement Med. 2009 May;15(5):539-44.

Sun H, Ge N, Shao M, Cheng X, Li Y, Li S, Shen J. "Lumbrokinase attenuates diabetic nephropathy through regulating extracellular matrix degradation in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats." Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2013 Apr;100(1):85-95.

Sun HL, Jiao JD, Pan ZW, Dong DL, Yang BF. "The cardioprotective effect and mechanism of lumbrokinase." Yao Xue Xue Bao. 2006 Mar;41(3):247-51.

There is lots more if you Google it but it was enough for me to order it and start consuming large quantities of it. Not many side effects, made from worms but safer than most things, especially Warfarin. Hell, what did I have to lose. So, that was to take care of the blockage in my veins, I thought, but was it enough?

I would as well tell you all that I was ingesting in the way of supplements, diet, etc..., but I truly think that at this point it did not have much bearing on my issues. I also do not want to hear from well meaning people that I was doing it wrong, what vitamins, supplements, MLM and all that other advice that I normally get. That is an issue that we are unfortunately placed in as well when sick. You see, I believe that we as humans for the most part are so constricted that we do not have the time to do the research or really do not believe that we can understand what it is that we are trying to figure out about our health. So instead, we go to the internet, friends and so forth, in an effort to gain an understanding of what we should do. What we do not understand and I can't stress this enough, is that we are all unique. It is not necessarily true that what occurred with one of us will occur with another. The Roman poet Lucretius wrote, "One man's meat is another man's poison." No truer words were said, and this would apply in health more than anything. We continually search for testimony about how others got well but do not understand that we may be doing ourselves harm. More on this later on.

My eating habits at first were dramatically changed, I did not consume much, couldn't, I found that in the beginning after surgery, I was in so much pain that normal pain killers were of no use. I tried oxycontin and although it made me so numb that I did not care about the pain, it gave me a side effect that I did not like. It made my testes the size of grapefruits, not very comfortable! My main diet was a little piece of fish, could not eat much else, vegetables were out of the question as gas would kill me, the pain was intolerable and I would cry like a baby at night and during the day. Some episodes were so bad that I would wish I had died in surgery, I kid you not! In any case I had to endure. I asked the surgeon why this was all happening and he said that normally after abdominal surgery, the intestines, bowel, etc.., go to sleep and wake up after a while. When, I asked? He said, different for everyone. Great, so here I was writhing in pain, with nothing much of a pain killer, eating little portions of fish which in the beginning was Milk Fish as it is the fish that babies eat and easily digestible. 

We then decided that it was time that I do RHP Ozone therapy but with a twist, we were going to use low dose Medical Ozone and at the same time try to suck as much fluid out of the blood as we could. In theory if you dry the blood, fluid will be displaced and go from my abdomen to replenish. So, we decided a good level would be 20mcg. of ozone and try to at least extract two liters of fluid. We would do this weekly or so, but to make certain that enough fluid would come out we needed a diuretic. Well, I am not that fond of those, seeing as they can lead to a host of issues so we had to find one that was herbal or natural, which we did and I tell you it worked like a charm. I would get anywhere from 1-2 litres of fluid taken out of me plus a huge amount of Medical Ozone added to my blood and on top of all that we were able to use this diuretic and have me pass at least another two liters of fluid. I did go on this therapy, but there was a problem with that as well...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part Three

Continued from Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part Two

For those that are following this, I truly apologise for the length of it all but I do believe that what I have to say, conclude and inform will help a lot of you that suffer daily. It may also help those in the future. It does relate to ozone therapy and medical ozone in a later post but as well it as well relates to Alternative or Complementary Medicine and Modern Medicine. Health is something we all have issues with at one time or another and we are constantly bombarded with claims and choices. To add to all this confusion are the irresponsible actions from those that are only there to create chaos and insecurity. These are the shrills that either misinterpret science or create issues that do not exist for financial or ego driven gain. So, the more reality based and realistic testimonies there are, the better for all. Please feel free to share all this to your friends and loved ones. As well, please comment and debate, it is the way we all learn...

Off to the IVC operation we go, this was an operation that occurs while you are fully awake. I was given a local anesthetic and I really can't explain the feeling that you get when someone is cutting into your neck and shoving a tube inside it, it is, to say the least, bizarre. They showed me the filter, it was a strange looking thing, reminded me of a fishing lure. I was able to watch what they were doing because there were screens around to guide them and they turned one in my direction so that I could see. There was really no feeling and it was just a matter of shoving this fishing lure deep enough so that it would catch all possible clots so they would not go to my heart or brain. This surgery was done rather quickly and painlessly, not even a scar was visible, no wonder this guy was the best.

It was a couple of days until the major surgery so I had time to put my will together as well try to organize what needed to be done just in case I was not coming back after surgery. Those of you that have been through this and have young kids and a wife can relate to what needs to be done before you let's just say, expire. It is a herculean undertaking and I do not wish anyone to go through it especially when it is completely unexpected, which in my case, it was. It took a couple of days for my INR to be acceptable enough for surgery but my platelets were not doing so well. we had to take some time and let my body absorb a couple of bags of platelets before the operation.

Finally, it was time. I said goodbye to  the kids, my son shell shocked and my daughter crying, wife by my side we went off to the operating theater. Once outside the doors, I told my wife my good byes and asked the nurse to ensure that she tells my wife when I am out of surgery, my wife sat down outside of those doors and only she would know what was going on through her head at that time, to top it all off, that day was her birthday, what a present this was for her, I can only imagine how brave she would have to be to endure this. We always consider our own horror and pain but we truly need to understand what happens to those around us that love us, the innocents in all this. In my eyes they are the true heroes and strength is tested to its limits by what occurs when their lives are interrupted by the issues of a loved one. They wheeled me in and placed me in a corner, a man came by with sheets of paper to sign absolving the hospital and anyone remotely connected to anyone there of any liability should I not survive. Not really reassuring. He then asked if I had questions, yeah, lots but I knew there were no answers. They stuck a needle in me and the guy holding it said, count to 100 backwards, 99...98........

There was nothing I remember about the surgery and the first semblance of reality was when my eyes opened a bit and I saw the surgeon in his gear looking at me and saying, "he's back and looks ok", as I faded again into an unconscious state. As I woke up I saw two figures in operating room garb, one was my wife but I could not recognize the other for a minute and then I realized it was my partner’s son. They had wide smiles on their faces, they were extremely excited I was back from the dead, while I, was rather confused. Trying to talk was a huge issue and to me I sounded fine but later found out that I sounded like a guy that had been on a week-long drinking bender. After my relieved wife saw that I was somewhat ok, I was put in recovery where I had to spend the night, only one there in this big room with what looked like nurses, I couldn't really tell as they were quite young but I had to stay there, it was night so there was only two of them, a couple of feet beside me. At one point, can't remember why I needed them. They were asleep so I had to bang on my bed to get their attention. This, I found troubling, I wondered if it occurred all the time, what if there was a real issue, good God... I tried to sleep and in the morning the day shift came, still woozy, the bevy of nurses had other plans for me. They were busy texting, cruising the internet and gabbing and giggling as if I did not exist, sigh...What an experience, you want to say something, anger is evident but you feel like a train wreck and so many emotions, glad to be alive and such that what you would normally do, you do not do, confusion is evident.

It was time now to go back to my room and find out the details of the operation and what happened while I was, ummm, comatose. They wheeled me back tubes, IV stands and all. As we entered the room I saw my kids’ faces light up, their joy was evident. They rushed towards me and hugged and kissed me in their glee with my wife standing watching with a big smile on her face. Well, seems I made it, this far at least. I did however notice that there was something different, I had a tube sticking out of my nose, another out of my belly and yet another out of my penis along with IV lines. I kind of noticed it before but when coming out of this, I think you slowly start to rationalize things, it is not all there in the beginning, slowly reality comes, I can only imagine what the ramifications to some are because of this. In my life i would have never imagined myself in this situation, just stuff you see in the movies but you never think that it could be you and then one day, the haze goes away and there you are. As I started to rationalize...the pain came, it was intense but not when I realized I had three holes in my abdomen, yikes!

The time went by and I was in and out for a while. Finally, the surgeon came to tell me all about what had occurred, to fill the gaps. He took out his phone and he had graphic pictures to show me what was done. To most it would be something they really do not want to see, I am exposed to this daily so to me it was quite interesting. He started to explain, he had thought that it was an operation for a stricture and easily done in one hour. However once he went into my abdomen, he found that not only were all my intestines stuck to the wall of my abdomen but, as well, they were twisted like a cord from the old spiral telephone handsets we all used to have. What he had to do was cut the intestines away from the wall and then untwist them all. All this with a camera, he really did not have a desire to cut me open and for that I was ever grateful...I knew that it would take much longer to recover from a slice in the abdomen. In any case he said it took four hours instead of one hour because he had to be careful not to cut into my intestines. The only thought that went through my head was my wife and kids, here I go on for an hour operation and four hours later they were still waiting, my God, I would have been beside myself if I were them with no word from anyone, must have been incredibly traumatic.

I spent another four days in the hospital recovering, I could not get up or move much for at least a day. Every time I tried, the pain was unbearable even though the surgeon would yell at me to move around, you must, he would say, easy for him to say...I would get up, walk about 100 feet and barely make it back but with every couple of hours I walked further, the pain, the lethargy was incredible. So now it was time to take the tubes out, more fun, I thought. The one in my nose was not that bad but the feeling was weird sort of like the feeling when you drink and eat too much and need to expel it all, but boy, it felt so good when out. The one in my abdomen was the weirdest, you see, what I did not know is that it was a drainage tube and was all the way on the other side of my abdomen, so when it was pulled out it felt like there was something in my abdomen scurrying to the other side. The feeling is hard to explain but not something I want to feel again, very weird. The tube that was in my penis put all others to shame though, that is where I will leave that, men can imagine but I think, really would not want to. After all that, hourly my faithful son would take me for a walk and watch that I do not fall and then carefully escort me back to my room, under excruciating pain, you continue, step by step, never thinking with so much suffering it will get better, but it does, that is the beauty of our bodies, they are remarkable in their ability to heal even under the most extreme of circumstances.

It was now time to go home and my last meeting, for now, with the surgeon. We sat down and I asked him, so tell me, "what I have to look forward to?". Well, he said, "your insides are ok but all the veins that were blocked are still blocked. You have ascites in you abdomen because your portal vein has shut down but there are some varices that have grown to take its place so there is blood going to your organs, unfortunately the liver can't take the load so there will always be fluid in your abdomen." "Great, so I will always be nine months pregnant?""Yes, he said and as well you will have to have the fluid removed on occasion." When? I asked, he shook his head and said, "when needed." He continues, "you will also have a possibility of infection due to the fluid." "What then?" I asked, "then we have to do something about it.", was his reply. Anything else I said, yes he said, "you can't have more than a litre and a half of fluid every twenty four hours." WHAT! Good grief, I normally have at least four liters and am still thirsty. To top it all off he said that I have to stay away from any strenuous exercise, can't lift anything more than a mouthful of food and not eat greens because I have to be on a high dose of warfarin. I asked what will be the outcome, well he said, you will live for a while. Great, how long? Don't know he said...Ok, is there a chance of recovery? His voice changed as if he was going to lie and said, maybe but I doubt it, but always stay positive he said. I said, why am I taking warfarin, he said warfarin will not get rid of your existing clots, nothing can do that but it will keep you from developing new ones. I want those of you reading this to remember this line in particular and what this highly skilled professional teacher of surgery said to me. It will make sense to you why I say this, when we conclude this story...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part Two

Continued from Part One Here ....Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Part One

At this point, I was at a loss as to what to do and still had no clue from anyone why this was occurring or what had even started it. Doctors would endlessly speculate one thing or another, the most reasonable suspicion was that I was suffering from Thrombophilia. This news, I received from a Hematologist who had speculated based on the reports but could not be certain unless I was to undergo some outrageously expensive tests. The one thing that he did tell me was that there was no least! In any case, I had to go to specialists to figure out why and what to do about it because the prognosis was not that good. Apparently there was no way to recover from what was occurring and Thrombophilia whether acquired or genetic is permanent. As those of you that have been in similar situations can attest to, what goes on in your mind when you are given a death sentence is inexplicable at best; I was in complete and utter shock. Is that it, I had thought, all I get on this earth is 58 years of life, too short, I am not ready, can't be, just some of the thoughts that speed by like a train in your head. let alone the thoughts about those around you that love and care for you.

For those that do not know what Thrombophilia is, just click on the word, it will go to a link for you. I will talk about this more later but so that you know, once diagnosed, one needs to be on Warfarin so as to stop the creation of clots. For me, it was a rather high dose at that. So yet, another bit of great news, now I have to take rat poison as well, just dandy, I thought. No use in denial, let's try to do the best we can, I have a young family and need to take care of this, if not for me, then for them. Strange how the motivation comes in but it does, to some it may be a different one but we all seem to have a reason for survival at first and really just want to do what we think is best given our set of circumstances. in the beginning, I notice that there are two mechanisms that kick in, the survival one and the one that says, what's the use and you go from one to the other. You tend to question everything including yourself, sometimes you withdraw and do not want anyone around, sometimes you want to enjoy every minute, it is certainly a very trying time and one that most people would not understand if they did not go through it. I did not understand it, but I certainly do now!

On to the next step, I wanted to find specialists in abdominal diseases, went through quite a few, looked at experts in their field, went and sat down with them and discussed options, probabilities and scenarios. Most, if not all, would not accept what had to be done, too risky they said. We have no clue what this is, they said. We don't know the causative factor, they said. All this sound familiar to any of you? Finally found one that looked at my paperwork and tests and said that surgery must be done but I would have a 50/50 chance of survival. 

A couple of days later I met with the surgeon directly, a brilliant surgeon who had been trained in the UK and actually teaches abdominal surgery. I thought to myself that he must know what he is doing and we sat down and discussed what needed to be done. I found him positive in his skills at surgery but not of my outcome. After reviewing my records and scans, he said that it was difficult to see what was going on as there are so many intestines and a CT scan will not show if there is a blockage or a stricture. They do however suspect it is a stricture that needs to be corrected. What he would do is go in with three holes, called a laparoscopy and try to remove the stricture, should not be hard to do, he said.  He continued, "That of course only solves the problem with your intestines and not any other issue." So, even if I survive the surgery, I still have the problem? "Yes, he said and as well your portal vein is blocked and even though you have collaterals that have taken over you will have an issue of ascites in your abdomen." What??? For how long? "Well, for good, that will not go away, veins do not un-block and there is nothing that can do for that." So, i will have a belly full of water all the time? "Yes, I am afraid so." BUT...Here it comes I thought. First, he said, we have to hospitalize you since you are on warfarin and put you on heparin until your INR subsides. Then you have to have an IVC filter installed so that you do not have issues during surgery or rather lower the possibility of an issue. This was just getting better and better, I thought. O.M.G., that hit me like a brick! Tears and a cry that I have never had engulfed me, that was it I thought, it's over!

The questions in my mind started to flow, what is the possibility that I may not survive, I wondered? With a smile he said, "Well, I will do the best I can but I am only human." Great I thought, not really what I wanted to hear. So, off to the hospital room I went, once again and on the IV's, but different ones. This time there was a twist though, apparently my stomach had become distended and there was a need to take out what contents they could, mostly fluid but it was necessary because it was not going to go far. The course of action is to stick a tube through your nasal passage down into the stomach and let whatever is in there either drain or be sucked out. If any of you had to have this done you would not need anyone to explain the discomfort and torture of this procedure. Tried as he may, the skilled surgeon could not make it work, it just did not want to go down, gagging, tears, pain, and it was one of the most awful experiences I had ever been through. Finally, giving up and dispensing with the torture, I was sedated and the tube was implanted. Talking was weird, in fact, it was all weird, can't swallow right, something intrusive in both your nose and throat. Certainly one of those things that you cant explain unless you go through it.

The days went by in the hospital, of course i could not eat any solid food, so I was put on nutrition which consisted of these drinks with God only knows what is inside. They kept bringing me food and it was incredibly yummy, my kids would eat it and at least enjoy in my place. I was monitored every few hours, blood was drawn and we waited for the INR to go down, I looked like a heroin addict due to all the needle pricks and at one point my veins were so collapsed that they had to call in an anesthesiologist to find a vein. During this time I lost 30 kilos or 66 pounds, that would be  almost the weight of my son who also noted that my stomach looked like a yoga ball or as if I was nine months pregnant. My wife, my dear wife, i can only imagine what went on with her in those days. She had later told me that she thought that was it; I can only speculate what this did to my family who were with me whenever they could be, closer now than we have ever been. Nothing was a priority anymore, this sickness ad taken over all our lives. My wife and kids even slept with me in my hospital room, going back and forth from school, college, the house and my side. We were all spent and all looked pretty bleak for this family.

Finally, after five days of what seemed an eternity of torture, it was acceptable for me to have an IVC filter installed. I was fortunate in that I had the best cardiovascular surgeon available doing this procedure, again, one that teaches cardiovascular surgery and technique. First we had to do an ultrasound to check my veins. While we did an ultrasound I asked the technician to check on my right leg because for a long time it was prone to edema, he did and to his amazement and mine he said that that the main vein in my leg was so solid that it felt like concrete. When you discover that you are sick and begin to focus on your sickness instead of the many other pressures of everyday life you begin to dissect your time on this planet into little sections and notice things that you really never gave any thought to, this was one of them. He also said this has been an issue for a long time and that it was completely blocked from my pelvis down to the end of my leg and had been for a while. How long I asked. He said, many, many years...Now things were starting to make sense, the lightbulb went off in my head!

To be continued...

NOTE: Since I started with this story, I have had many people asking questions about ozone therapy, medical ozone and so on. Also, questions about why, what and everything in-between. Please wait until you read all of it, I believe that most of the questions will be answered.

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Medical Ozone Therapy Personal Testimonial Part One

Been a long time since I created a post, the reason was that I was extremely sick, but now I am ready to talk about it and more. I think that this post will really add to the blog and my view on where medicine should be and as well, where medicine is at this stage of our evolution. This may turn into an extremely long post but I do believe it will be well worth reading to not only for those in a similar situation but for everyone due to my first-hand experience in the medical system.

If you know me at all, you understand that I really do not like testimonials much. The reason for this is simple to comprehend, we are all not the same, and we react in different ways to disease and to treatment. We all have genetics, eugenics as well as a host of other environmental issues and situations like present condition, all this must be a consideration when attempting any type of healing or therapy. When one reads a testimonial they should in fact understand that the above mentioned will have monumental effects on any and all therapies and considerations. What works for me might not work for you, and of course for the regulatory agencies reading this, it has nothing to do with treating, diagnosing or anything that you consider unlawful in your sorted cache of legal terminology. This is just my story and I am sharing it from my personal and professional viewpoint.

My issue started around August of 2012 when the family decided to go on a trip to Kenya for my sister-in-laws wedding and for my kids to meet their extended family on my wife's side. During that time there was great joy and partying. We stayed with my dear lawyer friend in Nairobi. He knew that I had an affinity for a certain beer called Tusker, found in Kenya as well as other African countries. To my delight, he told me that one of his clients had given him a case of this beer and I was welcome to drink as much as I like. Well, I am not much of a beer drinker, not really a drinker at all but at times when it is hot, nothing seems to take away that parched feeling in ones throat than a cold beer. Two is normally my limit as I also suffer with an acidic stomach after drinking any type of alcoholic beverage.

One day, we arrived at his house and I was exceptionally thirsty, so I opened a bottle of Tusker and started to gulp the beer as I would normally do. As soon as the first mouthful went down, I knew there was something wrong, the beer tasted funny and flat so I threw the bottle away and lost my taste for beer that day. That was the end of that.

Once back home after the trip to Kenya, I had to pick up our dog from the veterinarian that normally houses our dog when we are away, who is just next door to our clinic. I proceeded to go to her door and felt quite funny, like an out of body experience and thought that maybe I should return to the clinic. I opened the door to the clinic and in my blurred state could see the staff looking at me in shock, "What's wrong?” they said, "I don't know.” I said. They immediately laid me down on one of the beds and hooked monitors to me, something was definitely wrong.

Blood pressure was down; pulse was up so a round of saline V's and vitamins were in order. Once done, I was well enough to communicate and ask the staff to book an appointment with a physician that we normally use to try and figure out what just happened. I apologize if this story is a little spotty but I am trying to recall most of what had happened as best I can.

The next morning I went to the hospital where they ran tests after test to determine what the cause could have been. What they found out was that my spleen was abscessed in a third of its size. Now, a spleen abscess is not common and most doctors have not heard of it at all so the next issue is, what to do about it? I asked the physician and he said that I would need 24 hour high dose IV antibiotics for at least four days. Great, I thought, four days in the hospital, well that was impossible; I had the kids to take care of as my wife was still in Kenya with her family for another two weeks.

I talked to my partner and he suggested that I take treatment at the clinic and at home, which he was kind enough to provide for me so that I could still manage the kids and my life, fortunate for me. Many have asked why I did not use Medical Ozone to take away the infection, a good question and one of the reasons for this blog post.

Medical Ozone Therapy has its limitations, one of them is that it is very slow in its action and I needed something to clear my system that was going to act rapidly, I was in a state where I could develop sepsis quite easily so we had to work fast. The problem is that when you are hit with antibiotics at that speed, it is no party, I can attest to that and I am certain many of you can as well. You never really know what's worse, the sickness or the side effect. In any case for me, it worked and my spleen though not fully recovered was better but still enlarged. We did rounds of ozone therapy once I was off antibiotics to ensure that the infection was gone completely and to minimize the inflammation.

Some may have issue with what I have just said because those that have used ozone therapy do feel immediate relief. There are factors though, this was internal and was not something that I really could feel.  As well, let me say that those that do feel immediate relief should understand that medical ozone can and will pass through the blood brain barrier and increase serotonin as well as adrenalin for some. Also, consider at times the aspect of "the placebo effect". Of course I am not stating that this comes into consideration with all but it is noteworthy and a consideration. Also to note is that ozone is an anti-inflammatory and as well an analgesic.

After a while all was forgotten about all this and was leading a normal life until mid-March of 2014 when I started to get these unusually painful cramps in my lower abdomen. Normally, I am not that sensitive and can withstand a tremendous amount of pain but this was something else, so much so that I told my wife to drive me to hospital emergency. It was at night when I entered the hospital and of course they wanted info and for me to wait, I told them that would be impossible as the pain was unbearable. Normally, in hospital emergency, unless you have a bleeding something, you still have to wait, at least that has been my experience but fortunately at this one they directed me to a bed so that I could lay down. I still had to wait though until the attending physician came, when he did and I explained what I could, he ordered painkillers and sent me on my way. Ok, I thought, let them do what they know, don't argue I thought, stay calm I thought. I don't exactly know what I was given, probably tramadol, it did dull the pain somewhat so I left.

We drove home and when we were almost in the driveway, I turned to my wife and said, we have to go back, the pain started to increase as we were driving. Again went to emergency but this time the pain was so unbearable that I thought I was going to pass out. Again, I was put on a bed and had to wait for the attending physician. After numerous tests and more pain killer, I was advised to stay in the hospital overnight. The room I was given was wonderful, all the facilities of home so in that respect I was quite comfortable but the pain increased so much that eventually it took over my senses and I started to cry and howl like a baby, praying for God to take me so that I would not have to endure this pain. Still had no answer as to why this had occurred.

Late in the night, it became evident to the hospital staff that I would need something stronger to kill what pain I was experiencing so they called in an anesthesiologist who promptly set up a morphine unit for me so that once the pain came I could shoot morphine into me much like a late stage cancer patient. This did work somewhat and there I was attached to IV's, monitors and not lucid at all. I could feel the pain but really didn't care at this point.

The next day after a semi-conscious sleep, I was told that I had a lower bowel infection. Finally an answer.. Along with the pain, I was vomiting massive amounts of green fluids so the prognosis made sense. Well, the therapy again was massive amounts of antibiotics for four days only this time I had no choice but to stay in the hospital.

The days went by and I started to feel better, I was taken off morphine on the third day and released after five days. It was one week later and Easter was upon us. As we normally do we went to Easter brunch and decided to do a little shopping. All was normal until I was driving home with the family. At about two or three kilometers away from the house I noticed a weird sensation in my stomach area. My abdomen started to grumble, again came the pain I can never explain. It was like someone reached inside my abdomen and was twisting my intestines in an effort to pull them out. I grasped the steering wheel so hard I thought I was going to break it, I started howling and crying in pain but knew I had to get the family home safely. When I reached the house I did lay down and watch my stomach churn like there was a baby inside and I was nine months pregnant. I called my partner and he immediately sent a nurse to put me on fluids and ease my pain. I stayed in bed for about three days trying to get better but this, although subdued was getting no better. Nothing that I ate would stay down; it was like I was blocked.

We decided it was time for a CT scan to find out what the issue was, so I went to one of my dear friend who was a CT scan specialist, actually he teaches the method of CT. I had really wanted to get a proper diagnosis. After what seemed an eternity, he called the whole family into his office to tell us what he had found. It seemed that I had numerous issues, the infection in my bowel was gone but now it seems that my portal and mesenteric as well as pulmonary veins were blocked. As well, there seemed to be a blockage in my intestines, most probably a stricture that was narrowing the channel somewhere in my intestines. I say somewhere because even with CT, one can't really pinpoint intestine obstructions, too many twists, turns, guts, etc... Well, isn't that just peachy, I thought...

Friday, July 25, 2014

Ozone Therapy and Common Sense Part 3 - Let's Clear The Ummm, Air...

At this time and in this post I feel it necessary to clear the air about some statements that I have made in the past and will be making in the future. It surprises me to no end to see how many people have nothing to say about a post that talks about healing but as soon as you rattle someone's belief about ozone therapy and what it can do, they rebel as if they were villagers hunting for Frankenstein. Please do not misunderstand me, Medical Ozone is the most important discovery in the last 150 or so years, that is without doubt. My issue is not with this wonder of nature but with the people that advocate it, use it, talk about it and in what manner. So, let me deal with these issues one at a time.

First would be the advocates of ozone therapy, many of which have never experienced any form of clinical use of ozone or are straight academics and know what they know from study and research. Second are those that take weekend courses, mostly doctors, and let their ego's dictate forcing them to believe that they know all there is to know about ozone use. Third are those that are wanna be ozonist that read books by authors that have no clue about ozone and buy an ozone unit to use on themselves while spewing information on what one should do with ozone on websites and blogs. Lastly are the true ozonists and pioneers of this technology, the clinician that works with medical ozone hour to hour, day by day.

The academic is the person that can tell you in detail what ozone does, it's composition, it's interaction and anything that you would want to know but his knowledge is limited to textbook analysis unless he or she have a highly equipped lab and many subjects to work on. Even then, he is limited by law as to what he can and can't do because of ethics committees and such that control what you can do with humans in research. So, his or her research would be biased and unreliable as it is limited in scope. I do not advise that you follow their recommendations or theories because of these factors. I would advise however, that you do read the research because it will tell you a lot about ozone and its function, but stay away from believing the conclusions for the above reasons.

Next we go to the guy that has taken a weekend course from some self-proclaimed ozone guru and bought the ozone generator he recommended so that he can easily do treatments in his clinic, office, what have you. These guys receive the basics of ozone and some in-depth stuff depending on the facilitator and his knowledge of ozone. This is not true in all cases but I can only think of a couple of trainers that I would trust. These students of ozone believe that they can use it successfully because they have been practicing medicine for a long time and relate it to their knowledge of medicine, not understanding that ozone therapy is a completely different ball game. The emails that I receive from patients, the horror stories that I receive are normally from this type of individuals use of medical ozone. You see, once they finish the course they are sent out with general instructions on what to do with a particular disease but this does not work. Why? Well, simple really we are not all the same in our composition and while we may have the same disease there are many more factors that need to be considered. Biology, race, creed, age, gender all have to be evaluated before we attempt to use ozone.

The wanna be probably the most dangerous of all these. This is the guy or girl that has searched the net or read books on ozone. Used ozone therapy on themselves and healed whatever condition they have so now they believe that they can heal the world in the same manner. They go on the net, blogs, forums and dispense medical analysis of a condition and how you should treat it. They are the most dangerous because they typically have no medical background or a very limited one. Their driving factor may be honourable or not but they are dangerous because of the same factors mentioned above. One can not simply talk on the internet and understand what an individual is suffering from. The correct, ethical and professional method is to have them present and do a complete diagnostic on their condition before prescribing any method of therapy. To do otherwise would be foolish and criminal as it could end up in a fatality as it has many times in the past.

The last person that I will talk about is the ozonist that does treatment hour by hour, day by day and
incorporates all forms of medicine in an attempt to eradicate whatever disease is presented before them. The one that takes the time to analyze the condition of the individual in detail. The one that runs tests on the patient no matter what the cost or time to get to the core of whatever ails them. The one that carefully puts together a program to return the patients health to a normal state. The one that carefully follows the progress of the patient and adjusts the therapy as they progress. The one that is open to anything that comes their way and does not accept the label put on a patient or the diagnosis from others but rather starts at the beginning and carefully deciphers the real cause of that patient's disorder. This, in my opinion is the person that you should seek out if you wish to be treated with medical ozone, this and no other.

I have held off in sharing this one post because I really am at a loss as what else to say. in my past
posts I have warned all of you about ozone and it's use but I still get a daily dose of emails that complain about what certain doctors, practitioners and such have done to them. When responding, I get the usual, "But he is qualified and has a certificate." People, please understand that certificates nowadays are easy to get, create, duplicate and do not necessarily mean anything if that person has not used ozone for a long time. I, myself took two years of straight study in ozone before I would even talk about it and that was day to day study. It is not an easy thing to understand, compound that with all the inaccuracy on the net and as well the crazy interpretations of it from professionals and others and you have a stew of misinformation that can really boggle any one of us.

So, what's my answer, well, I really have none. All I can do is keep writing about it and hope that you all hear me and understand what i am trying to say. Please understand that one point that is ever so important not only in the field of medicine but in life itself "First Do No Harm!"

                                                                    "Professor Ozone"

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ozone Therapy and Common Sense Part 2 - Internet Myths

Before I start on this post, I just want to make it clear that I do not post anything to change anyone's mind or try to persuade them to use any therapy that they have researched and found to be suitable for their issues. It is your body and your right to do with it what you will contrary to what anyone says to you, professional, academic, governmental or what have you. I am merely trying to bring in information that you may have overlooked in your research and as well trying to demystify what is on the internet. The email that I receive is mostly due to people cruising the internet. These people, for the most part are confused and rightly so, there is an abundance of contradictory information, so much so that I even find myself confused at times.
With the advancement of technology everyone and their mother can now create a site and look like they are the latest health guru, all you really need is a staff of internet gurus and you can rest assured that you will accumulate a large following. Oh yes, one more thing, the more conspiracy that you post, the better, it seems.Well, I am truly tired of all the misinformation, so let's begin to clear it up a bit.

It is also not my intent to bad mouth anyone but I do want to try and bring us all back to reality and not in the surreal world that we seem to have wandered into. Facts and truths are what we all seek, aren't they? More often than not, I see articles published that are misleading and exaggerated so much that they do not have anything whatsoever to do with fact and truth. I could put quite a few up to prove this to you but it would take quite a few posts. I may do that but right now, i will start with one related to medical ozone.

This is something that I received on email from a very intelligent source and was posted on a forum I had thought was credible.

Though there is nothing wrong with this picture as it claims what it states. Ozone will eradicate all these microorganisms. However, what it fails to state is that this analysis was done outside of the body. This is a common issue and certainly a big one. It is one thing to use ozone to in an experiment outside of the body and a completely different when using ozone therapy inside the body. What I find is that most people do not realize that ozone works much better when it does not have to deal with our internal biology. Once inside the body, there are a lot of processes that have to be dealt with to ensure that we get the same reaction as noted in this picture. This important fact is not included anywhere and is omitted in almost all research that I have encountered. We must understand that taking all things into consideration, these types of postings do nothing but confuse all of us as to the abilities of ozone in the human body. It does not matter what you do outside of the body with any ingredient, it does matter what happens in the body, again, common sense.

Look, it's like this, whatever disease or disorder that you have, there may be a way to reverse it but common sense would dictate to you that whatever it was that person, doctor or website told you reversed his or her condition may work for you but then again may not. This is because we are all different in our composition, not one of us is the same.

The relationship to disease or disorder and our personal structure is different from the next person. Consider this, a person goes on the internet and sees that a set of people that eventually found relief from a particular disorder, so they go out and seek this potion, lotion or what have you, they try it hoping that it will give them relief as well, but in the end it helps some but does not do as others have claimed. It is not the fault of the product per se, but is the combination of the product and the individual.

Now, let's look at products, an article comes out that specifically states that some herb, root, essence has been used to treat some specific disorder and the very next day, there are a hundred suppliers and MLM companies selling and advertising this product as the answer to that affliction. It may or may not contain any of that particular ingredient. There are no clear cut rules in this, so it is possible that there would be no product, very little or a similar product in the formula, no one would know unless they test each and every batch. This does happen more than you think folks. Remember, we are all humans and as such susceptible to any and all weaknesses, whether we are Medical, Alternative or other. In the same vein, we are hungry to believe, which makes us a direct target, doesn't it?

All things considered it could be a factual claim by the article but what is not disclosed, or rarely is, how it is to be used and as well in what capacity and concentration, what is the active ingredient and can it be used a whole or are there parts needed? These questions are never answered and not even considered, the product with that specific ingredient is marketed and sold by the millions, I have seen this many more times than I wish to. Of course after a run of a couple of years and the sales are exhausted, the product is sold out and we go to the next product of the day. MLM people are pros as are the internet Guru's, I know of one guy that created a product and made well over $30 million dollars in the first year, that is some serious cash! Commercialism at it's best...

There is one other point and it relates to ozone therapy as well. The product that you purchase and use or the one that is used on you is only as good as the person you choose to treat you with it. What I mean by this statement and it is perhaps the most important of all, is that something used as a healing agent is only as good as the person administering it and their knowledge of biology and science relating to the many variables and functions of the human body. Sometimes a product works slow, sometimes fast, but for true healing to occur it is never a fast course. I am shocked that people do not understand this one undeniable fact. The body does not heal rapidly, it is an impossibility, there are far too many variables and functions that need to occur before the body heals, I mean truly heals. Yes, it is true that you may feel better at some point in any therapy but this is not true healing, true healing is attained once parameters are at a level in the body considered safe, but even then the body has to catch up and healing may take longer. I always question why, when a product works so well, the person that is promoting it never bothers to put up lab reports of individuals that have used it like we have on this page If done right, patient confidentiality is preserved and maintained. All I see is what people have said or video testimony and there are never any follow ups. At least with lab reports you can see that the body has reacted to a certain extent and it is not just someone believing of feeling the effects, whether real or placebo.

So, what is the answer, well, I really don't have one, other than the fact that it is time that we stop listening to the self proclaimed guru's on the internet, you know which ones I mean. Their route is a financial one. Listen, I have met them and have talked at length with them, they start off trying to help but in the end, it is always the same. Sure they are nice, cordial with winning personalities but really, take a look at their websites, are they not full of things that one should use and buy, do they not endorse these things, of course they do, that is how they survive and it is because of that that they endorse them. Do they use these products themselves, probably they do. Do these products help them and others, probably to a point. But, none of these guys have all the answers, no one does.

What's my final word? Well, do your research, know your body, check what works and what doesn't specific to both you and your disorder. By the way, the disorder that you may have may not be what you think so get many opinions, not just one. Be patient with whatever you are using, know that healing is a slow process and at times it may not work for a while. Educate yourselves, look at scientific literature that you trust to be accurate and always, always, test, test and re-test the function of your body, it is the only real way to tell what this specific product is really doing to you and your biology.

There is always an answer, although it may not be the one that you want to hear so instead of looking for what you all seem to want, which is an elusive "cure", look instead of how you can improve your quality of life. This may end up to be a much more attainable goal and is after all what we really want, isn't it? We want to feel better, we want to be in control of our own body, we want to live a pain free life, these are all factors of quality. To find it we have to take matters in our own hands without the excuse of I don't understand or have time, money or any other excuse we can come up with, it is your life and health that you are dealing with and you need to be the person that controls how, first is to diagnose carefully and accurately, second is, who you choose to treat it, third, be watchful of how the therapy and your biology relate to each other by constantly testing the effects and parameters. Fourth and most important of all, do not take instruction or believe what is on the internet. Lastly, never give up hope in yourself and your capabilities. Everything I have told you relates to any and all Medical Sciences that you choose to participate in. This, to me is just plain common sense and relates to Medical Ozone Therapy as well!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Ozone Therapy and Common Sense Part 1 - Cancer and pH

Lately, I have been inundated with emails, more than the normal ones, about the use of ozone in medicine by my colleagues and friends across the world. In particular, the use of RHP ozone therapy but as well all use of ozone therapy. The questions are numerous and vary from complaints to absolute shockers.

I guess maybe I should be grateful that our advanced form of therapy has gained notoriety in many of the ozone circles but it does offend me personally and professionally when therapists out there decide that they can just put together a unit and do the type of therapy that we do without any experience and training whatsoever. It is even more offensive when a therapist takes on the task of using ozone on a patient when he or she has only taken a weekend course. I would assume that because they have MD or what have you, credentials, they truly believe that it is enough for them to practice medical ozone therapy but this is far from the truth and I believe it is time all this is addressed.
Ozone Structure

In this series of posts I will try to address the main issues and answer most questions in regard to ozone and it's use in the medical field. I know or at least believe that some will be offended at what I have to say and I may be putting myself out there to be crucified by some but I only want you, the public to understand the truth about ozone therapy in science and practice. It is crucial to our well being that we understand the capabilities of this wondrous molecule as well as the setbacks of it's use. Challenge me if you will but you all know that what I will put in this blog is scientific and factual.

To understand why there is so much confusion in the use of ozone one must first understand the reality of commerce and finance. I am not in any way making a judgement call here but please note that all of us in the field, while we believe that this is the best form of therapy do make a living from it and as such have vested interest in what we say and do. Money and finance have a way of clouding both our integrity and our desire so much so that we tend to forget why we started this in the first place. Then there are some that see this as a cash cow and just get into it because they can make a decent living, jump on the band wagon if you will. The problem here is that if and when ozone therapy becomes mainstream, and it will, all this will come out and in effect hurt ozone and it's use. So let me be the first to unveil the mystery that surrounds it and separate the false beliefs that are being put out to you, the public. I will try and cover all this in later posts.

There is no better place to start talking about any form of oxygen therapy than with Otto Warburg. The claims regarding poor Otto are so vast that they have now taken on a life of their own. Let's clear up who Otto Warburg was
After all, most oxygen/ozone people hang on to his words like they were inscribed in stone. You will see this on almost any website that has to do with any oxygen therapy, here's the quote, "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar [anaerobic respiration]." This was a good theory in 1931 I believe it was, but there have been quite a few advances in science since then and things have changed a bit. Besides, he did not say that if you introduce oxygen into the body, cancer will die.

Otto Warburg did not receive the Nobel for this as many claim. Don't get me wrong, Otto was a brilliant man but we need to really look at what he did, said and believed in a true light instead of grasping on some words and using them to justify our use of ozone in cancer. This is much the same as the theory that you can change your internal pH to kill cancer cells, it just will not happen. Cellular pH is regulated in the body and protected, to change it would be lethal. Many tissues of the body are naturally acidic. Yet this does not make them cancerous. The above statement can also be proven false by the fact that acidosis occurs during normal exercise, holding one's breath underwater, swallowing some poisons, during diabetes and COPD, etc. Still none of these are causes of cancer.

I could go on about this and talk about the low oxygen level maintained by cartilage, yet not cancerous or the fact that cancer tumors release vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to allow it to create it's own blood vessels so that it would receive more oxygen than healthy tissues. You see, cancer proliferation is dependent on sufficient oxygen levels. What I am trying to say is that we really have to start coming to grips on all this and understand that if you use a theory from over 80 years ago to substantiate what you are doing in the scientific front you had better do your research to see if there have been any advancements in that theory. Just think of what it was like 80 or more years ago and what we believed to be true, things have changed, science has progressed in leaps and bounds.

If we are to do anything in the field of ozone therapy and progress this science further in both research and medical use we need to come to the present and use sound theory as its base and not something in the past. Not only will it be a dangerous proposition to rely on past science to treat the conditions that come up in today's world but as well ineffective and it will only fuel the fire that our detractors have it to label us charlatans, snake oil salesman or what have you. What we do must be based on true factual scientific theory and fact that can be explained and re-created. Not a hypothesis that is outdated and easily proved to be inaccurate. After saying all this let me add that some ozone therapy does seem to help in some cancer but as I have said in past posts only in the lower stages and combined with a well thought out complete therapy. All this to me is just, ozone therapy and common sense!